Result and details of the Sunday July 9, 2017 League 1 Ontario game between
Toronto Skillz and Oakville Blue Devils played at L'Amoreaux Park #1 in Scarborough at 12:00pm.
Toronto Skillz (red socks and shirts, black shorts, white numbers)
.....................0 Lucas Birnstingl
23 Thanujan Jeyathilaka (cpt)...5 Frantz Bill...12 Nicholas Goddard...7 Ahash Parthipan
8 Terence Bernard...4 Weii Su...18 Liam Cox...6 Andre Simmond...15 Mitchell Wong
....................10 Roen Fordyce-Hlywka
Subs:...1 Spiro Koskinas (gk)...2 Ameel Dharshi...13 Adam Waithe...14 Leslie Fitzpatrick
...19 Darupad Sharma...22 Kamara Joseph
team officials:...team head coaches Leslie Fitzpatrick and Jake Doodnath...assistant coaches
Isiaka Onibudo and Justin Howell...therapists Brian Make and Deidra Erd
Oakville Blue Devils (all white, navy numbers)
.....................27 Matt George
............6 Victor Gallo...4 Steven Lovell...5 Julian Connor McNamara
13 Matt Santos...10 Braden Culver...14 Mkeal Taylor McNamara (cpt)...22 Al James
...........16 Khody Ellis...9 Filipe Vilela...23 Anthony Novak
Subs:...26 David Monk (gk)...8 Judah Hernandez...18 Christian Young...17 Nolyn Do Nasicimento
...Logan Podrebarac...20 Hitesh Joshi...29 Brandon Duarte
team officials:...team head coach Duncan Wilde...assistant coaches Billy Steele, Brett Mosen,
and Glenn McNamara
Game officials:...referee Michael Stenbring...referee's assistants Jason Thomas and John O'Hara
...fourth official Alex Themistocleous...(yellow shirts, black shorts and socks)
1st Half:...game starts 12:03pm...TS defends south end on this humid day with a hazy sun from the south
after an early morning rain.
4 min...OBD Culver gets cross from left and 10 yard header down middle is caught by goalie.
5 min...TS Simmond rolls 15 yard pass forward to right but over end line.
7 min...OBD Ellis gets second chance on shot in flurry and 18 yarder from right just wide left of post.
8 min...TS goalie runs out to 22 yards to clear ball from OBD Santos.
8 min...TS Simmond rolls shot on left wide left wth defender pressing in.
10 min...OBD Culver 12 yard flick up middle is saved by goalie.
11 min...OBD Gallo cross from 30 yards on far right has TS Goddard head ball away on right post.
12 min...TS Goddard slides to concede cornerkick on scramble in box.
12 min...OBD Gallo cornerkick from right has OBD Vilela pop up header at 12 yards that goalie catches.
13 min...OBD Gallo long throw-in from right has TS Goddard clear in 6 yard box.
14 min...TS Fordyce-Hlywka is injured on tackle at center line.
17 min...OBD Novak third OBD player to get head to ball but 8 yarder up middle is caught by goalie.
20 min...OBD goalie catches long chip.
21 min...OBD Anthony Novak GOAL...OBD Connor McNamara sends pass in from 45 yards on left
that finds Novak at 20 yards on left and he cuts to goal and rolls 10 yarder into net past goalie Lucas Birnstingl.
23 min...OBD Santos run down right and 215 yard shot from sharp angle caught by goalie on post.
25 min...OBD Santos receives high cross on right from left nad chips centering pass and OBD Vilela stops and
shoots 15 yarder up middle over net.
27 min...OBD Santos is given ball up right and cross has TS Goddard stop and clear.
28 min...OBD Ellis rush on rght has low shot from 15 yards has goalie dive and pushes wide left and defender clears.
30 min...TS goalie catches bouncer from left.
31 min...OBD Vilela rush down mddle and low 25 yard shot up middle is caught by goalie on right side of net.
33 min...OBD Novak tap-in from 5 yards on low cross from right is called back offside.
35 min...OBD Ellis rush up right but pushes ball over end line while tryng to cut around defender.
36 min...OBD Connor McNamara chips ball down right to OBD Santos and he passes to OBD Ellis and his 12 yard shot
is off inside left post but rolls back for fallen goalie to smother.
37 min...TS Wong and OBD Ellis are both injured when they both kick at ball at TS 30 yard line.
38 min...TS Cox makes good run up middle and taps pass to rght to no one at 20 yards instead of shooting.
39 min...OBD Gallo long throw-in from right has TS Goddard head away.
40 min...OBD Santos cross from 25 yards swatted away by goalie.
41 min...OBD Connor McNamara gets cross from left and 12 yard shot is stopped by goalie.
43 min...OBD Matt Santos GOAL...OBD Anthony Novak pass from left at 28 yards finds Santos in middle
and his one-touch low shot from 10 yards is under goalie into center of net.
44 min...TS YELLOW card...goalie Birnstingl earns it for dissent as he expected a call way up field
before the goal.
45 min...TS goalie saves 2 yard poke from OBD Novak while already down.
46 min...half ends 12:49pm.
2nd Half:...starts 1:05pm. It has now completely clouded over.
halftime sub:...TS Joseph replaces Wong.
46 min...TS sub...Waithe replaces Cox.
47 min...OBD Anthony Novak GOAL...OBD Al James cross from 25 yards on far left has Novak leap at 5 yards
on right post and kick in shot from 5 yards.
48 min...OBD Novak rush for pass up middle and he rolls 15 yard shot wide left.
49 min...OBD Podrebarac replaces Taylor McNamara. Vilela becomes captain.
49 min...OBD Anthony Novak GOAL...OBD Khody Ellis run on right and he rolls centering pass and Novak
is pulled over by TS Nicholas Goddard at 15 yards but gets up and blasts 10 yarder down middle into
roof of net.
50 min...OBD sub...Hernandez replaces Culver.
51 min...OBD sub...Joshi replaces Connor McNamara.
58 min...OBD Hernandez feeds pass forward on right from 40 yards and OBD Vilela shoots low 18 yarder
wide left.
59 min...OBD Novak finishes OBD sustained pressure with a blocked shot.
60 min...TS YELLOW card...Fordyce-Hlywka earns it for foul at TS 30 yard line.
61 min...OBD James chips pass up left and OBD Santos shoots 15 yarder from left into outside webbing of net.
62 min...TS Waithe 30 yard shot from right is caught by goalie on bounce.
63 min...OBD Logan Podrebarac GOAL...OBD Anthony Novak rolls pass over from middle to Podrebarac and
he shoots low 10 yarder from left into right corner of net.
64 min...OBD sub...Do Nascimento replaces Ellis.
........OBD sub...Duart replaces Vilela. Hernandez now becomes captain.
66 min...OBD Joshi long throw-in from right is whistled down in TS box.
68 min...OBD Hernandez rolls pass up middle from 45 yards to OBD Santos and he shoots 20 yarder high
and left of net.
68 min...TS sub...Sharma replaces Su.
70 min...OBD Novak at 30 yards on end line has cross deflected by TS Goddard for cornerkick.
70 min...OBD Hernandez cornerkick from right is cleared on right side of box.
72 min...OBD James 55 yard pass upfield is caught by goalie on bounce.
73 min...TS Goddard chips 28 yarder up middle and goalie catches on bounce as no TS player makes run.
74 min...TS sub...Fitzpatrick replaces Goddard.
75 min...OBD Hernandez low 28 yard freekick from left has ball bounce into side netting.
76 min...TS goalie catches long cross from right beating OBD Duarte to ball at 15 yards in middle.
80 min...OBD Hernandez after short cornerkick from left has his cross into box headed away.
80 min...OBD goalie long freekick from 80 yards has defender concede cornerkick preventing OBD player
from getting shot.
81 min...OBD Hernandez on short cornerkick from left runs towards goal and blasts sharp angle 10 yarder over net.
83 min...TS RED card...Waithe earns a direct ejection from referee Michael Stenbring for a head butt to OBD
Al James at center line sideline. James eventually needs an ambulance for stiches and concussion protocal.
85 min...TS RED card...Andre Simmond earns it for a body check/head butt in center circle.
88 min...OBD players take short cornerkick and rush wide then cross has another cornerkick conceded on left.
90 min...game ends with no injury time at 1:50pm.
Finals Score:.....Toronto Skillz......0.....Oakville Blue Devils.....5...
Attendance eventually climbed to about 60 on this mild early afternoon with a hazy sun until it clouded up in the second half. This is not the regular home of Toronto Skillz but since it is the second weekend of the Robbie Tournament at Birchmount Stadium they moved the game to this field. I was here yesterday afternoon to watch Master's FA Saints beat Pro Stars FC 2-0 as it is Master's home field. This is the third time I've seen each team this season but Skillz first 'home' game and Blue Devils first road game. Skillz had a record of ten games, ten losses but both of their games I've seen they only lost by one goal. Last week though they lost 8-0 on a trip to play FC London. Oakville is at the opposite end of results with them dueling for first place in the other conference but we are in the cross over part of the schedule. The game was played mostly in the Skillz end but it wasn't until the second goal just before halftime that the game was broken open. Oakville doubling their lead in the first five minutes of the second half and the game was really over. Oakville cycled through their bench and by 64 minutes had made their maximum of five subs. Matt George earned the shutout for Oakville without haviug much to do except catch a cross and a few bouncers from long range. Nicholas Goddard was a last minute switch to start for Skillz in defence and a good choice as he broke up a great many OBD plays or it could have been double digits in the first half. I've been watching him since at least 2009 when he played for Toronto Croatia—a team mate of now referee Braedan Krampert. Things got ugly at 83 minutes when OBD Al James was head butted on a check on the sideline in front of the fourth official's table right in front of me. The OBD bench jumped up to appeal for a card. James was on his knees with his head in the ground with him turned away from me. A team official looked at him and asked for the Skillz trainer. The diagnosis got worse the longer time went on. A possible concussion, a deep cut facial laceration, a requirement that he'd need stitches, and then the trainer asked the league's game official to use his walkie-talkie to call the announcer's tent for them to call for an ambulance. Skillz players infuriated the OBD players and bench with questions like "Is he alright?" and making excuses that their player was only age 16. The Skillz head coach Leslie Fitzpatrick had subbed himself into the game at 74 minutes and that made it awkward for him to give orders during the dust up. The trainer asked that all the players from both teams back off to give him more room. There was no card given out on the play. Just seconds after play resumed at 85 minutes, a Skillz player checked an OBD player in the center circle on what looked like another head butt. Referee Michael Stenbring brought out a straight Red card and the player left the field. Stenbring came over to the fourth official and said to radio over that there would be no added time and the game ended promptly at 90 minutes. Oakville was mostly playing keep-away for the last part of the game anyway. *Now I had marked down that it was Adam Waithe who had given Al James the body check. I then wrote that is was Andre Simmond who was given the Red card. The OBD bench had called out that "it's the same guy" who made the check when play resumed and that made it easy for the referee to give the make up call and prevent a riot. This got me confused as I know what I wrote. The league website doesn't help because it lists both Skillz players getting Red cards but also lists Anthony Novak as scoring the first four goals. Their twitter account says the same thing. I straightened up the confusion for myself by asking the OBD coaching staff for who scored. Easy enough! A google search reveals that Adam Waithe is age 19 (I couldn't find an answer for Andre Simmond) so maybe it was Simmond all along or maybe Skillz just (by deliberately underestimating his age) using age as an excuse. If there were two Red cards given out it wouldn't explain why OBD was so upset claiming the first incident the player got away with it. I will see if the league site makes a correction as I don't want to hang the Skillz players out to dry by listing the wrong one (their video of the entire game will be posted in a few days so I may be able to squint and see if I can see who is was). Stenbring gave out two Yellow cards (both to Skillz—L1O software can't record a card to a goalie!) and the one Red that I saw. If I can clear this up I can easily clear up my own web page, edit message boards and for those web sites I don't control, I can add a message to one of my L1O reports next week--all going well. Al James is a skilled defender who I've watched since at least the 2011 PDL Toronto Lynx season. Another vet is Skillz goalie Lucas Birnstingl who I have at least listed as on the bench of some games I watched of the first Toronto FC Academy CSL team that started back in 2008! I waited a few minutes after the game near the exit wondering where the ambulance was. It had driven through an open soccer field via the parking lot and they opened a gate in the fence on the west side—good thing they got some city staff to unlock it before the game started—their idea earlier so it was easier to fetch balls sent over the sideline fence and it made it easy to get James out quickly. Toronto Skillz record falls to 0 wins, 11 losses, 0 ties for 0 points and are in eighth place in the Eastern Conference. After two blowouts in a row, this may cause increased trouble for the league on the discipline front. Oakville's record improves to 9 wins, 2 losses, 0 ties for 27 points and are in second place two points behind undefeated Sigma FC in the West. Hey today was my twenty-fifth L10 game this season and the season is just past half over. Silver game, can I make gold this year? Lots of TFC and TFC II games in the way. Rocket Robin robing@eol.ca twitter @RocketRobin01 Follow up:....Playing back the end of the game from YouTube and I can see referee Michael Stenbring gave out a Red card to Skillz Adam Waithe at 83 minutes and then Andre Simmond at 85 minutes. I can see myself turned to look at OBD Al James being treated for his injury and didn't catch the first Red card and just relied on the comments from the OBD bench. The L1O website did correct the goalscorers by late Monday.
Toronto Skillz starters
Oakville Blue Devils starters
OBD Matt Santos (13) takes opening kickoff.
OBD Braden Culver (10) receives back pass.
OBD Khody Ellis (16) taps back to OBD Victor Gallo (6).
Sills defender heads ball away.
OBD Taylor McNamara (14) chases ball.
OBD Judah Hernandez (8) freekick is into outside webbing of net.
Skillz trainer Brian Mak treats injured OBD Al James (22).
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