November 9, 2021...York United FC vs Forge FC post game press conferences (audio recorded by Rocket Robin)
If it's my question I've bold faced it!
post game questions and answers.....18 minutes 31 seconds
Forge FC head coach Bobby Smyrniotis
First is Forge FC head coach Bobby Smyrniotis
First place (clinched)! What does it mean to you?
What was the difference in the game tonight?
With the next two league games not important in the standings will you be playing your young guys/rotating guys?
You've beaten York four out of six times, will that be an advantage?
Do you ever take a moment to look back at the last three years?
Do you see these extra games as a benefit or detriment to the other teams taking a break before the playoffs?
Will you be leaving any players at home rather than travel to Edmonton?
Forge forward Tristan Borges
Next up is Forge FC forward/goal scorer Tristan Borges
What does clinching first place mean to you and was that on your mind in tonight's game?
Did you work on that freekick?
Did you ever think when you played for coach Bobby back in Sigma FC days you'd be playing at a league at this level?
What sort of a characteristic has been built year by year in this team?
Talk us through that freekick goal tonight?
post game questions and answers.....14 minutes 42 seconds
York United FC head coach Jimmy Brennan
First up is York United head coach Jimmy Brennan
What was the difference between the two halfs of tonight's games?
What was the message for these less used guys getting game time?
What did you think of teenager Matteo Campagna playing the entire 90 minutes?
Do you take anything from these two games with Forge as you know you'll play them again?
What will your team be doing during this 10 to 12 day break?
Are you glad you have this break rather than Forge continuing to play every three days finishing up their schedule?
What do you think of Lowell Wright's form?
What did you think of Muggsie's (ie Muslim Umar) debut?
York United FC midfielder Isaiah Johnston
Next up is York United FC midfielder Isaiah Johnston
How did you see Lowell Wright on that (goal) play?
What have you seen against Forge the last few days and what will you do in that semi-final?
How do you see the future of this team?
Do you feel like underdogs or outsiders in this next game against Forge?
Is there something about why you can beat Forge in road games this season?
How do you look back on this season for yourself?
How important is it for you guys to be rounding into form?
Rocket Robin
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