July 24, 2021...York United FC vs FC Edmonton post game press conferences (audio recorded by Rocket Robin)
York United FC post game comments (head coach Jimmy Brennan and goal scoring midfielder Isaah Johnston) 17 minutes 22 seconds first is Jimmy Brennan: 0:45...What are the postives and what will you be working on after you get home? 2:45...Does it give you a lot of hope that the Top 3 teams are from the West and you will mostly be playing Eastern teams? 4:35...Talk us through the Isaah Johnston goal. 5:45...Did you feel like you had a better balance in your team tonight? 7:00...What are your opinions on everything tonight? 8:50...What is your relationship with your young guys? I get a question in! 10:50...What difference does it make to have one entire week between games? [Note: I have an icon ID for these calls of my (at the time) kitten sitting on my shoulder] next is Isaah Johnston: 13:55...How did it feel to get that first goal? 14:20...Does it feel better to be able to play a more advanced position upfield? I get a question in: 14:50...Is there a reason you hugged your coach after that goal? 15:40...Why did you do that celebration with Chris N'Sa and Noah Verhoeven? 16:20...How do you feel that you've grown in the last 10 to 12 months? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FC Edmonton post game comments (head coach Alan Koch) no players were here. 0:10...What's the main positives you are taking from these eight games and what will you be working on? 1:45...What will you be expecting playing mostly the Western teams for the rest of the season? 3:20...Did your team find that extra energy to almost come back to tie or win tonight? 5:00...Is having your subs make an immediate impact important? 6:20...Was your time bonding with the team as a new coach important in this Bubble? 7:45...Was tonight's result just the problem of not getting that final touch? 8:45...What did you tnink of Tobias Warscheski's performance? 9:35...What are you looking forward to the most about returning to Edmonton? Rocket Robin robing@eol.ca twitter @RocketRobin01
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