May 7, 2021...League1 Ontario shifts potential 2021 start date to July 2nd (from League1 Ontario website)
League1 Ontario shifts potential 2021 start date to July 2nd By League1 Ontario, 05/07/21, 12:15PM EDT With an ongoing commitment focused on playing a 2021 season, League1 Ontario announced today a new target 2021 season start date of July 2, 2021. “As player safety is always a top priority, our planning for a July 2 start date will take this into account allowing teams significant time for preseason training to reduce the risk of injuries due to the extended layoff,” L1O managing director Matthew Braithwaite said. Officials also set a “drop-dead date” of June 7 for staging the 2021 season in the Summer, with the priority of health and safety for all at the forefront. In March, League officials targeted three potential start dates for a return to play – May 28, June 16, and July 2. With Ontario struggling through a third wave of the pandemic it has become apparent that the attention needs to be shifted to a potential July 2 start date. “We continue to develop scenarios all with the focus of delivering a League1 Ontario 2021 season,” Braithwaite said. “The League will share an update on the start date status no later than June 7.” League1 Ontario, founded in 2014, is set to welcome six new clubs and eight new teams in 2021, with Guelph United, Guelph Union, Waterloo United, 1812 FC, Tecumseh SC, St. Catharines Roma Wolves, and Scrosoppi FC joining.
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