Result and details of the Sunday August 28, 2016 USL game between Toronto FC II and FC Montreal played at the Ontario Soccer Centre in Vaughan at 4:00pm.
Toronto FC II (all red, white names and numbers)
..................1 Clint Irwin
32 Wesley Charpie...42 Mitchell Taintor...34 Skylar Thomas...58 Anthony Osorio
20 Christopher Mannella (cpt)...11 Mo Babouli...36 Brian James...48 Raheem Edwards
.............49 Martin Davis...51 Ricardo John
Subs:...92 Nathan Ingham (gk)...13 Clement Simonin (def)...65 Marko Maletic (def)...37 Adam Bouchard (mid)
...56 Malik Johnson (mid)...61 Bubacarr Jobe (fwd)...62 Reshon Phillip (fwd)
team officials: head coach Jason Bent
FC Montreal (all white, blue names and numbers)
..................70 David Paulmin
66 Janouk Charbonneau...26 Kyle Fisher...42 Nevelo Yoseke...3 Amadou Dia
59 Aron Mkungilwa...46 Philippe Lincourt-Joseph...58 Louis Beland-Goyette (cpt)...28 Jeremy Gagnon-Lapare...49 Alessandro Riggi
...................24 Anthony Jackson-Hamel
Subs:...65 Luca Leone (gk)...73 Zachary Sukunda (def)...48 Heikel Jarras (mid)...-- Brandon Onkony (def)
...57 Yacine Alt-Slimane (mid)...50 Marco Dominguez (mid)...86 Pierre Lamonthe (mid)
team officials:...head coach Philippe Eullaffroy
Game officials:...referee Pierre Acouri...referee's assistants Sean Hornsby and Jason Olinski
...fourth official Alexis Vaughan...(teal shirts, black short and socks)
1st Half:...game starts 4:13pm...TFC defends north end on this hot and humid late afternoon with a bright
sun in the west and a strong breeze from the west.
55 sec...TFC Edwards cross from 25 yards on left has TFC John pop header from 10 yards high and wide left of net.
2 min...FCM Lincourt-Joseph 25 yard shot down middle is over net.
3 min...FCM Gagnon-Lapare 33 yard freekick from right is well wide left of net.
4 min...TFC Martin Davis GOAL...TFC Mo Babouli in middle chips 25 yarder forward and left and
TFC Anthony Osorio rescues ball on left end line ahead of goalie David Paulmin and passes ball
back into middle for Davis to blasts 5 yarder between defenders into center of net just under bar.
5 min...FCM Louis Beland-Goyette GOAL... FCM Aron Mkunilwa cross from 15 yards along right
end line has TFC Wesley Charpie at 6 yards even with left post head ball downfield out of box
and Beland-Goyette blasts 22 yarder from right that 'esses' into into top left corner of net.
7 min...TFC Charpie pushes pass forward from 25 yards too far forward and goalie picks up ball.
9 min...TFC Ricardo John GOAL...TFC Raheem Edwards chips 30 yard freekick down middle that
TFC Skylar Thomas heads ball forward from 12 yards on left over to leaping John outjumps
goalie and heads 4 yarder into right corner of net on bounce.
10 min...TFC John sends backheeler from 8 yards through FCM box but ball is cleared.
13 min...FCM Gagnon-Lapare low cornerkick from right is cleared by nearest defender.
14 min...TFC Osorio rush up left and tips centering pass that TFC Edwards jabs 6 yarder
that goalie pushes wide left of post.
15 min...TFC Edwards cornerkick from left is cleared from box.
18 min...TFC Edwards rush on right and cuts along end line but pushes ball too far forward
and goalie smothers.
19 min...FCM Gagnon-Lapare chips 30 yarder from left aht goalie catches on bounce. TFC Thomas
is injured on play. Players on both teams take a water break while the trainer is on the field.
24 min...TFC sub...Simonin replaces injured Thomas.
24 min...FCM Gagnon-Lapare 35 yard freekick from right has TFC Taitor kick ball out
for cornerkick from 6 yards on left.
25 min...FCM Mkungilwa chips 30 yard shot from left that ogalie catches after FCM players
work out a cornerkick from the right around the perimeter of the box.
29 min...FCM Gagnon-Lapare 33 yard freekick chip up middle has defender head ball away on edge of box.
TFC goalie catches follow up.
30 min...referee calls an official waterbreak.
32 min...play resumes.
33 min...TFC Charpie low cross from 20 yards on right near end line has TFC Babouli shoot 7 yarder that goalie
blocks and pushes wided right on short side.
34 min...TFC John pops 8 yard header wide left when he receives cross from left.
36 min...TFC YELLOW card...Simonin earns it for pulling down FCM Riggi running into box injurying him.
37 min...FCM Riggi 20 yard freekicik down middle is blocked by head in wall.
38 min...TFC YELLOW card...James earns it for tackle on FCM Beland-Goyette injurying him at TFC 45 yard line.
41 min...TFC Osorio high cross from 35 yards on left has goalie catch on right but drop ball
and recover to smother ahead of TFC Babouli at 5 yards.
42 min...FCM Anthony Jackson-Hamel GOAL...FCM Louis Beland-Goyette rolls pass from 40 yards
on right and FCM Janouk Charbonneau crosses from 22 yards on far right has TFC Clement Simonin
fly to scissor kick at 6 yards back to edge of box and ball deflects off FCM Aron Mkungilwa
at 15 yards back towards goal and Jackson-Hamel recovers and rolls 8 yarder from far right
into left corner of net.
44 min...FCM Riggi and FCM Jackson-Hamel run down left side and Jackson-Hamel has shot blocked
on edge of box and then he pops header at 20 yards that goalie charges forward to make
catch at 10 yards.
45 min...FCM Allessandro Riggi GOAL...FCM Janouk Charbonneau at center line right sideline rolls
pass forward for FCM Aron Mkungilwa at 40 yard line on right and he cuts over to center and rolls
pass forward for FCM Philippe Lincourt-Joseph at 30 yards but TFC Clement Simonin steps past ball
and Lincourt-Joseph gets up off ground and races in to 22 yards in center and rolls pass across
to Riggi who steps into box on left and steps around TFC Wesley Charpie and blasts 12 yarder into
top right corner of net.
48 min...half ends 5:01pm.
Halftime Entertainment: We are introduced to the fourth of six winners of a car key that might
open a KIA car on display at the entrance of the stadium.
Six players from Brams United play 'champions of the circle' where the object is to kick the other
players' ball out of the the center circle. The two boys are knocked out of the game first and
then four girls work it down to one winner.
2nd Half:...starts 5:17pm...the weather is unchanged.
46 min...FCM Riggi long run down left and cross from 20 yards is through TFC box unplayed.
47 min...TFC Babouli intercepts ball at 25 yards on poke check and rolls pass to TFC Davis
who has defender check him off ball at 10 yards.
47 min...TFC Osorio cross from 28 yards on left caught by goalie near left post.
48 min...TFC Edwards rush on left and blasts 22 yarder well over net.
49 min...FCM Riggi is checked off ball at 10 yards cutting into box from left.
50 min...TFC Edwards rush on left and almost overruns ball but taps centering pass to TFC Babouli
who shoots 12 yarder up middle wide right of net.
51 min...FCM defender gets back to poke check TFC John from ball inside box.
52 min...TFC Babouli cornerkick from left has defender head ball across box and out for throw-in on right.
53 min...TFC Osorio cross from 25 yards on far left just over head of leaping TFC Edwards trying
for 10 yard header.
54 min...FCM Riggi can't win Penalty kick as TFC Taintor knocks him off ball.
54 min...TFC sub...Maletic replaces Simonin (a sub replaces a sub!).
55 min...TFC Charpie cross from 25 yards on right has defender on left concede cornerkick.
56 min...TFC Babouli cornerkick from left has TFC Taintor on right head 10 yarder wide right of net.
57 min...TFC sub...Jobe replaces Davis.
57 min...TFC Jobe wins cornerkick on deflected shot on run down right.
58 min...TFC Edwards cornerkick from right is partially cleared and TFC Mannella has 20 yard shot blocked
on edge of box.
58 min...TFC player rolls low cross through FCM box unplayed from right.
59 min...TFC Osorio bends 30 yard chip from left that goalie catches unchallenged.
60 min...TFC Osorio cross from 30 yards on left and over TFC John's head at 6 yards and goalie catches.
61 min...FCM Gagnon-Lapare chips 28 yard freekick from right tha goalie catches.
62 min...TFC Ricardo John GOAL...TFC Mo Babouli chips long pass from 60 yards downfield to catch
TFC Bubacarr Jobe charging down right and he stops near end line and taps ball back for charging
TFC Wesley Charpie to shoot 16 yarder from right that leaping goalie palms upward at 6 yards and
charging John runs between FCM defenders Jeremy Gagnon-Lapare and Janouk Charbonneau
to dive forward to get to ball on bounce and head in 2 yarder into left side of net.
63 min...TFC Babouli rolls 25 yarder up middle that goalie picks up.
64 min...TFC sub...Ingham replaces Irwin in goal.
66 min...FCM Riggi rush into left side of net has goalie dive to smother ball at 5 yards.
68 min...FCM Beland-Goyette rolls 22 yard shot wide right as FCM player centers low cross from left.
70 min...TFC Babouli run down middle and shoots 22 yard roller that goalie smothers.
71 min...FCM Jackson-Hamel rush across edge of box and FCM Riggi has defender stop him at 10 yards.
71 min...FCM sub...Alt-Slimane replaces Mkungilwa.
72 min...FCM players work out short cornerkick from left but never get ball into TFC box.
72 min...FCM Jackson-Hamel is checked off ball in TFC box.
73 min...TFC sub...Phillip replaces John.
.........referee calls water break.
75 min...play resumes.
76 min...TFC Maletic checks FCM Jackson-Hamel off ball on chip into box.
76 min...FCM sub...Dominguez replaces Riggi.
77 min...TFC Edwards chips 28 yarder from left that goalie catches wide right of net.
79 min...TFC Maletic needs trainer near sidlien after defensive play to break up rush.
.........FCM Lincourt-Joseph is injured in center circle away from play.
81 min...FCM sub...Lamonthe replaces injured Lincourt-Joseph before play resumes.
82 min...TFC Babouli on 1 on 4 rush is checked off ball but wins cornerkick.
83 min...TFC Maletic cross from 28 yards on left has TFC Babouli not quite completely turn header
and ball flies wide right from 8 yards.
84 min...FCM sub...Jarras replaces Jackson-Hamel.
85 min...FCM Heikel Jarras GOAL...TFC Brian James taps pass from TFC 40 yard line to right and
FCM Marco Dominguez intercepts at TFC 50 yard line on right and steps around defender and
leads 4 on 2 rush. He runs forward cutting towards middle and rolls ball from 22 yards over
to Jarras at 18 yards and he runs forward and shoots 10 yard chipper over sliding goalie
Nathan Ingham at 7 yards into top right corner of net with retreating TFC Marco Maletic just
able to wave at it.
86 min...TFC Jobe rush on right and wins cornerkick on cross that defender clears.
87 min...TFC Jobe blasts 25 yard partially cleared cornerkick from right down middle well over net.
FCM Gagnon-Lapare was injured in box earlier in that last play.
88 min...FCM sub...Sukunda replaces Gagnon-Lapare.
89 min...FCM Charbonneau blasts 25 yard shot after run up right well high and wide right of net.
.........TFC Charpie is injured but the team is out of subs and he steps off field not to be replaced.
91 min...FCM Jarras and Dominguez take cornerkick from left short to waste time.
92 min...There's a dust up at the TFC 30 yard line between the two teams.
.........TFC Mannella pushes FCM Dominguez from behind after Dominguez clipped his heels.
.........The referee consults with his two assistants.
94 min...FCM RED card...Marco Dominguez earns it for throwing a punch in a multi-player dust up.
..............TFC RED card...Mitchell Taintor earns it for throwing a punch in a multi-player dust up.
94 min...TFC YELLOW card...Ingham (the goalie) earns it for time wasting taking freekick.
95 min...TFC YELLOW card...Mannella earns it for pulling down FCM Jarras at TFC 50 yard line.
96 min...FCM Jarras doesn't give 10 yards on freekick at TFC 50 yard line but gets away with it
as TFC Babouli blasts ball off him. FCM Carbonneau starts 3 on 2 break and rolls ball forward to FCM Jarras
and he rolls 18 yarder off left post and goalie picks up on rebound.
96 min...game ends 6:08pm.
Final Score:........Toronto FC II.........3........FC Montreal.........4.......
Attendance was announced (usually not as crowds are much smaller) as 1251 on this hot and humid afternoon.
Man of the Match sponsered by a watch company was Ricardo John who was an easy choice with his two goals in 73 minutes of work. John was signed to a USL contract earlier this month. He is a Trinidad & Tobago international. The team has not named MOTM choices earlier this year so it must have been the big crowd to view this plug for watches.
Today was another day where TFC II regulars were pushed aside to make room for new signings or recovering MLS players. It was announced in the press earlier in the week and at last nights MLS game between Toronto FC and Montreal Impact that Clint Irwin would be starting. I didn't expect him to get any shots to save as they were playing the last place team who had only scored 26 goals in 24 games—the lowest in the conference. Instead he had to pick the ball out of the net three times and I didn't see him make a save. Wednesday's hero goalie Nathan Ingham replaced Irwin at 64 minutes.
Recovering MLS-signed defender Clement Simonin subbed in at 24 minutes to replace injured regular Skylar Thomas and made mistakes that led to two FCM goals. He was himself subbed off at 54 minutes.
I recognized some TFC II players in street clothes in the crowd today. Shaan Hundal, Sean Fraser and Luca Uccello were here. I congratulated Fraser who was just named to Canada's U-20 team earlier this week. Uccello was also named to that team. Fraser was the hero of the last TFC II vs FCM home game on June 15 with a header at 89 minutes.
Mo Babouli has settled back on TFC II after a stint with the MLS team but displaced with the returning Jozy Altidore. He is playing more of an advanced midfielder role with TFC II often setting up forwards besides taking a share of the cornerkicks.
Most effective sub was FCM Heikel Jarras who scored one after minute after being subbed in for Anthony Jackson-Hamel.
Best non-scoring chances were at 33 minutes when TFC Wesley Charpie took a low cross from 20 yards on the right near the end line and TFC Mo Babouli shot a 7 yarder that the goalie blocked and pushed wide right on the short side. 83 minutes had TFC Anthony Osorio cross from 28 yards on the left that had Babouli not quite completely turn header and ball flies wide right from 8 yards. 95 minutes had FCM Heikel Jarras not give 10 yards on the freekick to stall for time at the TFC 50 yard line but he got away with it as the referee was checking upfield and Babouli blasted the ball off him and it fell at FCM 50 yard line and FCM Janouk Charbonneau started 3 on 2 break and rolled the ball forward to Jarras and he rolled an 18 yarder off the left post and the goalie picked the ball up on the rebound at 10 yards.
Referee Pierre Acori gave out four Yellow cards (all to TFC players) besides the two Red cards in a rather chippy game. He called a water break in each half. Best decision he made was to bring both assistants over to the midfield to recap the dust up and it took about two minutes to sort out who would be ejected. The USL feed I saw later looked like they got it right.
The result drops Toronto FC II's record to 6 wins, 16 losses, 5 ties for 23 points in 27 games in the 30 game season and twelfth place out of the 14 teams in the Eastern Conference.
That result finally mathmatically ousts TFC from the playoff race. They had a chance to keep it going to catch the eighth and final playoff spot as Orlando City B lost yesterday for a record of 8 wins, 9 losses, 8 ties for 32 points in 25 games.
The win improves FC Montreal to a record of 6 wins, 18 losses, 1 tie for 19 points in 25 games. They are still in last place but have a chance for 15 more points and could catch Orlando. Today was their fourth win in a row!
TFC II's next game is here next Sunday afternoon at 4:00pm against Charlotte Independence.
Rocket Robin
Toronto FC II starters
FC Montreal starters
FCM Philipp Lincourt-Joseph (46) and Anthony Jackson-Hamel (24) take opening kickoff.
TFC Martin Davis (49) tries to dribble by FCM Nevelo Yoseke (42).
FCM Alessandro Riggi (49) takes freekick.
TFC Ricardo John (51) and Mo Babouli (11) have just taken second half kickoff.
FCM defender clearance off TFC Martin Davis (49).
FCM Janouk Charbonneau (66) throw-in.
the scene with player dustup that's just been cleared.