Result and details of the Saturday July 23, 2016 MLS game between Toronto FC and DC United played at BMO Field at 7:30pm. (by Rocket Robin)
Toronto FC (white socks and shirts, blue shorts, red names and numbers)
.................1 Clint Irwin
33 Steven Beitashour...15 Eriq Zavaleta...3 Drew Moor...2 Justin Morrow
18 Marky Delgado...9 Benoit Cheyrou (cpt)...14 Jay Chapman...9 Tsubasa Endoh
...........22 Jordan Hamilton...10 Sebastian Giovinco
Subs:...40 Quillan Roberts (gk)...6 Nick Hagglund (def)...11 Mo Babouli (fwd)...17 Jozy Altidore (fwd)
...23 Josh Williams (def)...28 Mark Bloom (def)...87 Tosaint Ricketts (fwd)
team officials:...head coach Greg Vanney
DC United (all black, white names and numbers)
................48 Travis Worra
5 Sean Franklin (cpt)...6 Kofi Opare...15 Steve Birnbaum...2 Taylor Kemp
8 Lloyd Sam...25 Jared Jeffrey...7 Marcelo Sarvas...14 Nick DeLeon
.......11 Luciano Acosta...9 Alvaro Saboria
Subs:...50 Andrew Dykstra (gk)...12 Patrick Nyarko (mid)...13 Lamar Neagle (mid)...16 Patrick Mullins (fwd)
...20 Jalen Robinson (def)...26 Rob Vincent (mid)...33 Julian Buscher (mid)
team officials:...head coach Ben Olsen
Game officials:...referee Armando Villarreal...referee's assistants Matthew Nelson and Andrew Bigelow
...fourth official Mathieu Bourdeau...(sky blue shirts, black shorts and socks)
1st starts 7:42pm...TFC defends north end on this very hot and humid evening with a bright sun
in the northwest.
3 min...DCU Sam cornerkick from right has goalie make over head catch at 5 yards between crowd of players
and start fast break.
4 min...TFC Endoh cornerkick from right is short and crossed over box by TFC Giovinco and is cleared on left side
for DCU throw-in.
5 min...DCU Sam cross from 28 yards on right is headed away on left side of box by TFC Zavaleta for
a throw-in.
6 min...DCU DeLeon long throw-in from left is whistled down in box for TFC player being pushed down.
7 min...TFC Cheyrou makes turn at center line when receiving short pass and he rolls pass forward to TFC Chaptman
who rushes up middle from 40 yards and passes forward on right to TFC Hamilton at 22 yards and he runs forward
cutting into middle and shoots 8 yarder from left that goalie stops at 3 yards and ball pops up wide left of goal.
8 min...TFC Giovinco cornerkick from left is over box and wide right for goalkick.
10 min...TFC Giovinco cross from left has defender pop up header at 8 yards in middle and another defender boots it away
from 15 yards.
11 min...TFC Chapman cross from 25 yards along left end line that drifts well behind net.
11 min...DCU Acosta rolls pass forward from 25 yards up middle and goalie picks ball up.
14 min...DCU Sarvas 30 yard freekick up middle hits defender's head in player wall and deflects for throw-in on right.
16 min...TFC YELLOW card...Chapman earns it for knocking over DCU Kemp at DCU 30 yard line.
17 min...DCU Sam cross from 30 yards on right has TFC Beitashour head away at 8 yards in middle of box in from of DCU player.
20 min...TFC Sebastian Giovinco GOAL...Giovinco takes 28 yard freekick from slight left that bends into left side of net
about 5 feet high beyond goalie Travis Worra who was too late flying over from guarding right side of goal.
21 min...TFC goalie catches DCU Saboria cross from 18 yards along left end line.
23 min...DCU Jared Jeffrey GOAL...DCU Sarvas pass from center line in middle over to DCU Sean Franklin at 50 yards
on right and he passes low forward and back towards middle and DCU Lloyd Sam dummies at 25 yards but steps over ball
but taps it back and charging Jeffrey pushes ball forward and eludes sliding tackle by TFC Drew Moor at 18 yards
and leans away from TFC Eriq Zavaleta closing in from left and pokes 10 yard shot past crumpling goalie Alex Bono
on edge of 6 yard box and shot rolls into left corner of net.
24 min...TFC Cheyrou recovers loose ball on left at 30 yards and shoots 25 yarder just over bar missing top right corner.
25 min...DCU Franklin rolls ball forward from 45 yards on right to DCU Sam at 25 yards on right and he rolls pass across
to charging Franklin who from 15 yards on right rolls cross towards middle but defenders clear from edge of 6 yard box.
27 min...DCU YELLOW card...Sarvas earns it for sliding tackle on TFC Giovinco at DCU 40 yard line.
28 min...TFC Marky Delgado GOAL...TFC Steven Beitashour from 45 yard line on right sideline centers pass
to TFC Jay Chapman who rolls pass forward from 35 yards on right and TFC Jordan Hamilton at 22 yards
lets ball through his legs so TFC Sebastian Giovinco can get it at 18 yards and he runs forward and survives bump
by DCU Kofi Opare and shoots 8 yard roller from right past sliding goalie at 6 yards and ball hits left post
and Delgado following up on right shoots 6 yarder into right side of net past DCU Sean Franklin at 2 yards
charging in from left.
32 min...DCU Sam cross from 20 yards on right end line after eluding defender has another defender dive forward
at 6 yards in middle of box and head away.
33 min...DCU Sam wins cornerkick on TFC Morrow poke check of ball at 7 yards to prevent him getting away shot.
33 min...DCU Sam cornerkick from right gets ball back to recross and sends ball high over goalie has DCU Birnbaum jump
in crowd of players and pop header from 7 yards well over net. Birnbaum is hurt in collision with goalie.
35 min...TFC goalie catches cross from 30 yards on left sent in by DCU Kemp.
37 min...DCU YELLOW card...Jeffrey earns it for sliding tackle on TFC Giovinco cutting across to center at 22 yards.
38 min...TFC Sebastian Giovinco GOAL...Giovinco from slight right bends 25 yard freekick into top left side of net.
39 min...DCU player's cross from 30 yards on right has DCU Acosta cross from left 25 yards on far left and DCU player
in middle chips 12 yard shot land on top of net.
41 min...DCU Opare at 40 yards on right pushes pass forward for DCU Jeffrey who crosses from 25 yards on right that's
just a step ahead of charging DCU Saboria at 8 yards running up middle.
42 min...TFC Hamilton 12 yard shot from right end line is caught by goalie. About seven TFC guys charge back to defend
a two man rush.
44 min...DCU Franklin cross from 18 yards on right is over players in box and bounces out of box.
44 min...DCU Sarvas is touched pass back from 15 yards and takes low 20 yard up middle er crowd of players
and diving goalie pushes ball wide right of post. DCU Franklin recovers at 15 yards on right end line and crosses
into middle of box and TFC Zavaleta leaps at 7 yards and heads away.
45 min...DCU Acosta rolls ball forward and DCU Saboria slides but misses connecting at 12 yards.
46 min...half ends 8:28pm.
Halftime Entertainment:...Former TFC player Jim Brennan is interviewed by MC Shari. Brennan has a sharpie marker and has signed 200 bottles of Coke. Shari also conducts the usual Drumsticks ice cream draw and introduces Tony from Pizza Pizza. There's a movie draw for Jason Bourne prize packs. There's a Timbits mini game started with only four minutes left of halftime. It's announced that next Sunday's game will have the first 7000 fans be given a TFC safari hat.
2nd Half:...starts 8:43pm...the sun is now below the stadium horizon.
48 min...TFC Endoh screen shot of 20 yard blast from left has flying goalie push ball wide left of post.
49 min...TFC Endoh cornerkick from left is popped up on TFC Hamilton header on left side of box. TFC Chapman
at 12 yards chips ball from left over to right side of box and TFC Moor controls and over DCU Birnbaum then
shoots 8 yarder over net as he falls backwards.
50 min...DCU Sam wins freekick on edge of box down middle as DCU Acosta taps pass over to him from right
and TFC Beitashour knocks him over.
51 min...DCU Kemp gets tap over freekick from DCU Acosta who steps over ball and backheels it and Kemp blasts low
shot from 20 yards that hits TFC Morrow at 3 yards in front of goalie and rebounds directly back to Kemp
for second shot that TFC Beitashour stops at 8 yards and clears.
52 min...DCU player's cross from 20 yards on left is well wide of net.
53 min...TFC YELLOW card...Moor earns it for sliding tackle from behind at 40 yard line on DCU Acosta.
54 min...DCU Kemp 40 yard freekick chip from right has TFC Chapman clear at 15 yards on left. DCU Sarvas on right
side of box pushes TFC Giovinco aside and shoots low cross from 15 yards on right that DCU Jeffrey charges forward
but kicks wide right from 5 yards on short side.
55 min...TFC Giovinco race down middle after intercepting pass at 35 yards and low 20 yarder is straight
to goalie. TFC Hamilton charges forward to rebound at 5 yards has goalie block and DCU Franklin clears
at 5 yards even with right post.
57 min...DCU sub...Neagle replaces Sarvas.
.........DCU sub...Mullins replaces Saboria.
58 min...DCU Mullins cross from 25 yards on left has DCU Sam 7 yard header on right that's caught by goalie.
59 min...TFC YELLOW card...Delgado earns it for tackle on DCU Neagle at TFC 50 yard line.
62 min...DCU Sam cross from 30 yards on far right is caught by goalie.
63 min...TFC Chapman rolls pass forward down middle from 30 yards and TFC Hamilton runs between defenders to get
to ball at 18 yards but it rolls to goalie.
65 min...TFC Giovinco 30 yard shot down middle deflects off DCU Birnbaum at 27 yards and lands on top of net.
65 min...TFC Giovinco rolls cornerkick from right along endline to TFC Endoh who has low 15 yard cross cleared
by DCU Kemp at 8 yards in middle of box.
68 min...TFC Giovinco at 25 yards in middle rolls pass to TFC Endoh on right who shoots 12 yarder on right that
sliding DCU Kemp deflects at 8 yards and ball continues on for sprawling goalie to stop on right post and
Kemp concedes cornerkick.
69 min...TFC Giovinco cornerkick cross from right has TFC Chapman in crowd of players at 10 yards
can't turn.
69 min...DCU Neagle bends 28 yard cross from left that bounces well wide right for goalkick.
70 min...TFC sub...Ricketts replaces Hamilton.
.........DCU sub...Nyarko replaces Sam.
70 min...TFC Ricketts shoots 30 yarder down middle just over net.
71 min...TFC sub...Altidore replaces Chapman.
72 min...TFC Giovinco feeds pass up middle from 30 yards to TFC Ricketts who rolls 15 yarder up middle
that hits right post.
72 min...TFC Altidore shoots 15 yarder from right that just misses top left corner.
73 min...TFC Endoh low cross from 30 yards on right and TFC Altidore is just a step behind
and goalie catches.
74 min...DCU Acosta 35 yard shot through players is caught by goalie on bounce.
76 min...DCU Kemp high cross from 25 yards on far left drifts behind net.
78 min...DCU Nyarko low cross from 22 yards on left has TFC Zavaleta partially clear. Retreating TFC Altidore kicks ball
high behind end line to prevent DCU Neagle from getting shot at 12 yards.
79 min...DCU Acosta cornerkick from right has TFC Ricketts head away on right side of box at 6 yards. DCU Franklin blasts
shot from 18 yards up middle that hits TFC Moor at 10 yards. DCU Jeffrey recovers at 8 yards but is flagged offside.
TFC Morrow is injured on play as Jeffrey kicked him on shot attempt.
84 min...DCU DeLeon takes 25 yard shot up middle through players that diving goalie stops at 3 yards on left post.
DCU Mullins slides for ball with TFC goalie injurying him at 2 yards.
86 min...DCU Kemp cross from 30 yards on left has TFC defender dive forward at 15 yards and head away from middle of box.
86 min...TFC Altidore cross from 25 yards on right has TFC Giovinco scissor kick from 15 yards on left that bounces well
wide right.
88 min...TFC sub...Bloom replaces Endoh.
88 min...DCU Kemp 55 yard freekick from right has goalie catch in crowd of players at 10 yards and survive bump.
90 min...TFC Sebastian Giovinco GOAL...TFC Mark Bloom cross from 20 yards on right has Giovinco scissor kick
around DCU Patridk Nyarko from 6 yards on left into left side of net.
92 min...TFC Altidore at 30 yards on left rolls ball forward to charging TFC Giovinco at 20 yards and from just inside box
roll centering pass to TFC Ricketts who slides between two defenders to shoot 8 yarder up middle that goalie blocks
at 3 yards and defender clears.
93 min...TFC player crosses ball through 6 yard box unplayed.
93 ends 9:31pm.
Final Score:.......Toronto FC.........4...........DC United............1.............
Sebastian Giovinco broke out of his scoring slump with three goals tonight. He hadn't scored since their May 14th game when he score two against Vancouver Whitecaps. The Toronto Star newspaper says it is his first freekick goals this season. The freekick goals were at 20 and 38 minutes.
Canadian international striker Tosaint Ricketts played for TFC for the first time. He has been mentioned as training with them since May but had to wait until the international transfer window was opened. He is not a designated player but I'm sure he's grateful for a paycheque as I've heard that the team in the Turkish Second Division had defaulted in paying him. At 72 minutes he had a 15 yard shot hit the post and an injury time shot from 8 yards had the goalie save.
Jozy Altidore returned to action after a long injury. He was an unused substitute in last week's game in San Jose.
Alex Bono was the TFC goalie again for tonight's game. Last week he allowed a weak winning goal while San Jose were playing two men down!
Travis Worra played goalie for DCU in place of their injured first choice Bill Hamid.
This was the second heritage night of the season. Tonight Jim Brennan (TFC's first signing and first captain from 2007) was on today's ticket. We early arrivals (the first 2000) received a Jim Brennan trading card. I watch him as head coach of the Aurora United in League 1 Ontario. I wonder if they are playing today? In a pregame ceremony, the video board played his career highlights. Then Brennan and his family and GM Tim Bezbatchenko came out to pose for photos.
The car race obstacle course was still on the CNE grounds even though the race was last weekend. That included the stands and all the concrete and fencing.
stats from Match Information Goals and Assists 21' TOR Sebastian Giovinco 24' DCU Jared Jeffrey Assisted By: Lloyd Sam, Sean Franklin 29' TOR Marco Delgado 39' TOR Sebastian Giovinco 90'+1' TOR Sebastian Giovinco Assisted By: Mark Bloom Disciplinary 17' TOR Jay Chapman Reason: Unsporting Behavior 28' DCU Marcelo Sarvas Reason: Unsporting Behavior 38' DCU Jared Jeffrey Reason: Unsporting Behavior 54' TOR Drew Moor Reason: Unsporting Behavior 60' TOR Marco Delgado Reason: Unsporting Behavior Lineup Toronto FC 22 F Jordan Hamilton (71') 10 F Sebastian Giovinco 25 G Alex Bono 33 D Steven Beitashour 15 D Eriq Zavaleta 3 D Drew Moor 2 D Justin Morrow 14 M Jay Chapman (72') 8 M Benoit Cheyrou 9 M Tsubasa Endoh (89') 18 M Marco Delgado Bench 40 G Quillan Roberts 23 D Josh Williams 6 D Nick Hagglund 17 M Jozy Altidore (72') 28 M Mark Bloom (89') 87 F Tosaint Ricketts (71') 11 F Mo Babouli Manager Greg Vanney D.C. United 9 F Álvaro Saborio (58') 48 G Travis Worra 5 D Sean Franklin 6 D Kofi Opare 15 D Steve Birnbaum 2 D Taylor Kemp 7 M Marcelo Sarvas (58') 8 M Lloyd Sam (71') 25 M Jared Jeffrey 11 M Luciano Acosta 14 M Nick DeLeon Bench 50 G Andrew Dykstra 20 D Jalen Robinson 12 M Patrick Nyarko (71') 13 M Lamar Neagle (58') 33 M Julian Buescher 26 M Rob Vincent 16 F Patrick Mullins (58') Manager Ben Olsen Officials Referee Armando Villarreal Assistant Referee Matthew Nelson Assistant Referee Andrew Bigelow Fourth Official Mathieu Bourdeau Match Information MLS at BMO Field Toronto, ON Attendance 26349 Weather Clear Team Statistics TOR DCU 20 Shots 12 10 Shots on Target 4 8 Shots off Target 3 2 Blocked Shots 5 5 Corners 3 12 Crosses 18 2 Offsides 1 11 Fouls 18 3 Yellow Cards 2 0 Red Cards 0 339 Total Passes 450 70 % Passing Accuracy 75 % 42.9 % Possession 57.1 % 59 Duels Won 45 15 Tackles Won 12 3 Saves 6 20 Clearances 9
Toronto FC starters
DCU United starters
DCU Alvaro Saboria (9) and Luciano Acosta (11) take opening kickoff.
TFC Sebastian Giovinco (10) will score on this freekick at 20 minutes.
TFC Sebastian Giovinco (10) scores again at 38 minutes on this freekick.
TFC Sebastian Giovinco (10) and Jay Chapman (14) take second half kickoff.
TFC Benoit Cheyrou (8) takes long freekick.
ball is popped up
DCU players line up freekick.
TFC Steven Beitashour (33) takes throw-in.
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