Result and details of the Friday July 15, 2016 PDL game between Toronto FC Academy and Dayton Dutch Lions played at KIA Training Centre in Downsview at 4:00pm.
Toronto FC Academy (all red, white numbers)
..................1 Darren MacLeod
7 Steve Furlano (cpt)...4 Nikola Stakic...14 Robert Boskovic...3 Leonard Sohn
......19 Dante Campbell...18 Marko Mandekic...16 Kota Sakurai
.......21 Matt Srbely...11 Richie Ennin...15 Cyrus Rollocks
Subs:...12 Brogan Engbers (gk)...17 Andrew Dias (def)...20 Marko Maletic (def)...6 Thomas Mickoski (def)
...8 Nicholas Osorio (mid)...25 Reshon Phillip (fwd)...10 Glenn Muenkat (mid)
team officials:...head coach Stuart Neely
Dayton Dutch Lions (white socks and numbers, blue shorts and shirts)
..................18 Will Lokowski
12 Bradley Schluher...26 Joseph Furry...4 Daan De Blank (cpt)...16 Paul Messerly
24 Michael Frasca...2 Eric Lynch...14 Daniel Bent...7 Lewis Dunne
...........17 Kemjika N'Duka...10 Mateus Gama
Subs:...13 Nathan Jones (gk)...5 Jack Cousin...19 Colton Oord
team officials:...head coach Sid van Druenen (I don't think he was here today).
Game officials: referee Armando Perreira...referee's assistants Jason Thomas and Kuizan Weekes
...fourth official Sofiane Saadi...(yellow shirts, and black shorts and socks)
1st Half:...game starts 4:04pm...TFCA defends south end on this hot overcast afternoon with a stong gusty wind
from the west.
1 min...TFCA Robert Boskovic GOAL...TFCA Marko Mandekic takes 30 yard freekick from right bounces into crowd
of players in box to 5 yards and Boskovic pokes ball into net.
2 min...TFCA Srbely on rush shoots 20 yarder down middle wide right of net.
5 min...DDL Lynch cornerkick from right cleared from box to left for throw-in.
6 min...DDL Lynch has 25 yard shot down middle blocked then blasts rebound high and wide left.
10 min...TFCA Furlano on run down right wing against defender pushes ball over end line.
11 min...DDL YELLOW card...Bent earns it for pushing TFCA Mandekic immediately after referee warned him on Bent's foot
to stomach on another player.
11 min...TFCA Srbely 35 yard freekick from left is well wide right.
12 min...TFCA Ennin gets pass at 15 yards and blasts shot up middle that's off underside of bar and ball bounces
forward for goalie to catch at 5 yards on bounce.
12 min...DDL Lynch rolls cross that TFCA Sohn slides and concedes cornerkick.
13 min...DDL Lynch cornerkick from right is cleared from 6 yard box.
16 min...DDL YELLOW card...Furry earned it for check at midfield.
17 min...TFCA Rollocks rush up left and cross to TFCA Ennin who has to stop to control but wins cornerkick off defender.
17 min...TFCA Mandekic cornerkick from right has ball drop in crowd of players and TFC Rollocks takes 7 yard low kick
up middle is saved by sprawling goalie.
21 min...TFCA Srbely 12 yard rolled shot from right is saved by goalie.
23 min...TFCA Mandekic cornerkick from right has TFCA Srbely head 8 yarder from right over net.
24 min...TFCA Srbely 20 yard freekick from left is over wall and caught by goalie.
26 min...TFCA Mandekic and TFCA Srbely on give and go play from 50 yards has Srbely run down left and pass back
to Mandekic who shoots over net from 18 yards.
29 min...DDL's player cross from 25 yards on far left is just over head of leaping DDL Dunne at 8 yards.
31 min...TFCA Cyrus Rollocks GOAL...Rollocks find himself in alone on deflection up middle at 22 yards and
he rolls 15 yarder past goalie Will Lokowski standing at 8 yards into left side of net.
33 min...TFCA Rollocks receives pass from TFCA Sohn on left and rolls cross into box but defender clears.
34 min...DDL Gama wins cornerkick on deflection off defender on 22 yard kick from left.
35 min...DDL players work out short cornerkick from left bends cross into box from DDL Frasca has DDL Gama
head 8 yarder well over net.
36 min...TFCA Sohn cross from 20 yards on left is just a step ahead of TFCA Campbell at 8 yards on right.
37 min...DDL Frasca 35 yard freekick from left has TFCA Furlano head away in box. DDL players have two
recrosses, one from each side are cleared in box.
37 min...TFCA Ennin gets ball at 50 yard line on left and eludes defender then DDL Bent has to play 2 on 1 so
Ennin gets clear run and rolls 15 yard shot from left wide left of net.
43 min...TFCA Mandekic 40 yard freekick from left has TFCA Stakic miss diving header at 5 yards and ball
is wide right for goalkick.
44 min...TFCA Cyrus Rollocks GOAL...TFCA Ricie Ennin runs from 50 yards on right and freezes goalie who slides
at 20 yards and Ennin rounds around him and from right rolls centering pass to Rollocks in middle at 15 yards
and his shot against two defenders standing at 2 yards is rolled into left corner of net.
46 min...half ends 4:50pm.
Halftime entertainment: The groundscrew dismantles the sound system to prevent damage in potential storm.
2nd Half:...starts 5:06pm...the weather is mostly overcast.
halftime subs:...DDL Cousin replaces Furry.
.................DDL Jones replaces Lekowski in goal.
46 min...DDL Frasca rolls 15 yarder from right that goalie picks up.
48 min...DDL Frasca rush down right and high cross from 25 yards has DDL N'Duka head 12 yarder well over net.
49 min...TFCA Sakurai is injured on sliding tackle at TFCA 40 yard line.
51 min...DDL Lynch cornerkick from right is knocked down in box and partially cleared. TFCA Stakic makes key
save at 3 yards on shot up middle from 15 yards through traffic.
53 min...TFC Srbely from 40 yards down middle bounces wide left in fornt of charging TFCA players.
55 min...DDL Frasca 35 yard cross from right is called offside at 8 yards.
57 min...TFCA Ennin taps pass over to TFCA Rollocks when spun around by defender and Rollocks shoots 18 yarder
from left well over net.
59 min...TFC Srbely 40 yard chip down middle is well ahead of TFCA players and bounces to goalie.
60 min...DDL Frasca 30 yard freekick from right hits defender and is cleared.
61 min...TFCA Rollocks pass from right finds TFCA Ennin who has 10 yard shot saved by sprawling goalie on post.
62 min...TFCA sub...Dias replaces Stakic.
.........TFCA sub...Mickoski replaces Sakurai.
.........TFCA sub...Muenkat replaces Srbely.
.........TFCA sub...Maletic replaces Campbell.
.........TFCA sub...Osorio replaces Furlano...Boskovic takes over as captain.
63 min...DDL Lynch is injured at TFCA 25 yard right sideline.
64 min...DDL goalie beats TFCA Muenkat to pick up ball down middle at 15 yards.
68 min...DDL sub...Oord replaces Bent.
69 min...TFCA Muenkat wins cocrnerkick on deflection after run to pass at 10 yards.
70 min...TFCA Osorio cornerkick from left is low and nearest defender clears. Osorio recross from 22 yards also
is cleared.
71 min...TFCA YELLOW card...Mandekic earns it for tackle on DDL Frasca injurying him breaking through at center line.
73 min...DDL Schluher 50 yard freekick down middle has ball hang in wind and goalie catches at 8 yards.
74 min...TFCA goalie catches 28 yard cross from right on right goalpost.
75 min...TFCA Ennin is injured in center circle on check.
76 min...TFCA Dias taps pass to TFCA Ennin who shoots 12 yarder from left over net.
78 min...TFCA Mandekic bends 28 yard cross from right that flying goalie pushes wide left of top corner.
78 min...TFCA Sohn cornerkick from left bends behind net wide right for goalkick.
80 min...TFCA Cyrus Rollocks GOAL...TFCA Nicholas Osorio taps pass forward from 18 yards and
Rollocks rolls 12 yarder under sliding goalie Nathan Jones to center of net.
82 min...DDL YELLOW card...De Blank earns it for sliding tackle at DDL 40 yards.
83 min...TFCA Ennin can't win Penalty kick call when bumped in box after long run but can't
get away shot.
84 min...TFCA Sohn taps pass back to TFC Rollocks who shoots 12 yarder up m iddle that
sprawling goalie stops.
86 min...DDL Lynch cornerkick from right has nearest defender clear. DDL Frasca 25 shot from
right has goalie palm ball over bar.
87 min...DDL Lynch cornerkick from right has goalie leap in crowd of players to punch ball forward.
87 min...DDT Frasca rolls cross/shot from 15 yards on far right that goalie dcives forward to smother.
90 min...TFCA Osorio cornerkick from left has goalie catch in crowd of players, then drop when bump
but recover.
91 min...DDL Frasca has two shots from right blocked.
91 min...DDL Lynch cornerkick from right has goalie leap to knock down and defender clears.
92 min...DDL Eric Lynch GOAL...DDL Kemjika N'Duka rolls pass from 22 yards on right for Lynch
to shoot in 10 yarder from right past goalie Darren MacLeod into left corner of net.
95 min...DDL YELLOW card...Cousin earns it for tackle on TFCA Osorio at center line.
95 min...game ends 5:56pm.
Final Score:........Toronto FC Academy.......4.........Dayton Dutch Lions.......1...
Attendance was about 25 on this hot afternoon with a strong gusty wind from the west which hung up high balls.
Dayton only brought three spare players which included a goalie who they subbed at halftime. They had been eliminated from playoff contention. I could have predicted this scoreline but TFCA scoring in the second half as DDL was tiring. TFCA made a massive five player sub at 62 minutes with the game well in hand.
Cyrus Rollocks scored a hattrick today and could have had about five. He and Richie Ennin stayed the entire game and were getting breaks and outrunning the rather slow DDL defence.
Referee Armando Perreira gave out five Yellow cards (four to DDL) in this game that I counted. First card was to DDL Daniel Bent at 11 minutes for pushing TFCA Marko Mandekic which wasn't a card by itself but followed a warning less than a minute earlier for a foot to the stomach by Bent to another TFCA player. They jawed the rest of the game—Bent looked like 1990s supermodel Fabio.
The TFCA defence limited the number of shots that Darren MacLeod had to stop with key blocks and swarming of the DDL players sent forward. It did seem appropriate that DDL scored one in injury time as they were trying right until the end.
Best non-scoring chances were at 12 minutes when TFCA Richie Ennin got a pass at 15 yards and blasted a shot up the middle that was off the underside of the bar and bounced out for the goalie to turn around and catch at 5 yards. 17 minutes had TFCA Marko Mandekic take a cornerkick from the right that had the ball drop into the crowd in the box and TFC Cyrus Rollocks shot a low 7 yarder up the middle that was saved by the sprawling goalie. Another Mandekic cornerkick from the right at 23 minutes had TFCA Matt Srbely head an 8 yarder from the right over the net. 51 minutes had DDL Eric Lynch take a cornerkick from the right that was knocked down in the box and only partially cleared. TFCA Nikola Stakic then made a key save at 3 yards on a shot up the middle from 15 yards through a crowd of players. 61 minutes had a TFCA Rollocks pass from the right find TFCA Ennin who had a 10 yard shot saved by the sprawling goalie on the post. 78 minutes had TFCA Mandekic bend a 28 yard cross from the right that the flying goalie pushed wide left of the top left corner of the net. 84 minutes had TFCA Leonard Sohn tap a pass back to TFCA Rollocks who shot a 12 yarder up the middle that the sprawling goalie stopped. 86 minutes had DDL Lynch's cornerkick from the right had the nearest defender clear. DDL Michael Frasca then took a 25 yard shot from the right that the goalie was able to palm over the bar.
The win improves TFCA's record to 2 wins, 8 losses, 4 ties for 10 points and a tie for fifth place in the seven team Great Lakes Division. This was their final game of the season.
The loss leaves DDL in fourth place with a record of 4 wins, 4 losses, 5 ties for 17 points with one game to go. They finish their season Sunday afternoon against K-W United.
I had asked TFCA head coach Stuart Neely at the last game if I could ask him where the players were going now that the PDL season was ending. I made a checklist from the PDL website and had him graciously go through player by player which I'll post separately.
I also asked him the question about whether there will be a PDL team next year because of CSA pressure to drop out and play in Canadian leagues (TFC already does have a franchise in League 1 Ontario in which they stockpile with their U-17 players after the 2014 L1O season when they used an older age group and coasted through the year undefeated in league play). The decision has still not been made he said as some will be decided by geography and the importance to the community (whoosh! Looks like isolated Thunder Bay Chill in northern Ontario is pretty safe then). TFCA still has TFC II, the League 1 Ontario and an L1O U-21 team playing he reminded me. He said club officials may decide not to continue with PDL on their own. I have a feeling that if K-W United (Kitchener Ontario) does not continue in PDL, TFCA-PDL will be through even by agreement with other PDL teams whose schedule mostly included coming into Canada to play both teams on one trip.
Rocket Robin
Toronto FC Academy starters
Dayton Dutch Lions starters
TFCA Richie Ennin (11) and Matt Srbely (21) take opening kickoff.
TFCA Kota Sakurai (16) turns around for ball.
TFCA Cyrus Rollocks (15) tuies to get past DDL Bradley Schluher (12).
TFCA Cyrus Rollocks (15) charges forward.
TFCA Marko Mandekic (18) cornerkick into the box.
TFCA Matt Srbely (21) takes freekick.
DDL Michael Frasca (24) and Kemjika N'Duka (17) take second half kickoff.
TFCA Kota Sakurai (16) leaps to stop cornerkick.
TFCA players stop another cornerkick.