Result and details of the Friday September 30, 2016 League 1 Ontario game between Durham United FA and North Toronto Nitros played at Kinsmen Park in Pickering at 8:00pm.
Durham United FA (all black, yellow numbers)
.................0 Peter Katarsaris
4 Trevor Hill...6 Raphael Reynolds...16 Aldo Maiorano...12 Bruce Cullen
17 Joseph Roccasalva...7 Christian Moncrieffe...8 Taylor Lord (cpt)...15 Jordan Dover...9 Shaun Claud Lawson
.................10 Kashiff De Jonge
Subs:...1 Eguene Alves (gk)...18 Josh Paredes...11 Michael Maiorano...5 Justin Gordon
...19 Mark Tarazhi...14 Shaq Agard
team officials:...head coach Sanford Carabin...other team officials Desmond Warner and Felix Direnzo
...therapist Dr Alex Hakins
North Toronto Nitros (green socks and shirts, black shorts and numbers)
..................12 Connor Bullen
15 Christian Westaken...10 Niba MacDonald...37 Jason Akoa...17 Myles Abreo
.......41 Javad Hoseini...35 Farzan Ansari...34 Faisal Al-Hamdan
.......43 Lucas Afework...7 Felix Ngha...6 Jayden Doyle
Subs:...4 Dominique Modeste...20 Gianpiero Sansonetti...5 Kembo Kibato
team officials:...head coach Hermann Kingue...physio John Bianchi...other team official Gary Fleming
Game officials:...referee Marc Henoud...referee's assistants Nicolas Piperno and Cyrus Eshafi
...fourth official Jason Thomas...(teal shirts, black shorts and socks)
1st Half:...game starts 8:02pm...DUFA defends east end on this cool night with a strong wind from the east.
1 min...DUFA Hill shoots 22 yard roller from right to goalie wairing on right post.
2 min...DUFA Cullen cornerkick from right is over players in box.
3 min...DUFA Roccasalva low 12 yard shot up middle has goalie slide to smother at 8 yards.
6 min...DUFA Lawson chips cross from 12 yards on left and defender makes backwards header across box for clearance.
8 min...NTN Jayden Doyle GOAL...NTN Farzan Ansari receives pass from right side in middle and he sends
a short pass to Doyle who shoots 15 yarder from left high into center of net.
11 min...DUFA player's 35 yard freekick from right is low and straight to goalie.
11 min...DUFA goalie smothers cross sent in from left at 15 yards.
14 min...NTN YELLOW card...MacDonald earns it at NTN 45 yard line for kicking ball away after whistle.
15 min...DUFA Lawson chips cross from 15 yards along left end line that drifts behind net after DUFA freekick
from 50 yards on right.
19 min...NTN Doyle 35 yard freekick up middle has goalie dive right to block near post and defenders clear.
20 min...DUFA Dover 25 yard shot through crowd of players is wide left of net for goalkick.
21 min...DUFA Moncrieffe is injured at NTN 25 yard line and needs trainer but NTN wins freekick.
27 min...NTN goalie runs to edge of box to beat DUFA players to through ball pass.
29 min...DUFA Hill long throw-in from right has DUFA player at 12 yards on right pop header across box
but goalie catches.
30 min...DUFA Lord wins cornerkick after two blocked shots by him near NTN right end line.
31 min...DUFA Cullen cornerkick from right wins another cornerkick as defender shanks clearance.
31 min...DUFA Cullen cornerkick from right has defender head ball wide left of own net.
32 min...DUFA Lawson cornerkick from left has defenders clear.
33 min...DUFA player's long cross from right near sideline is too far forward for DUFA Lawson and out for goalkick.
35 min...DUFA YELLOW card...Dover earns it for argueing away from the play in after DUFA wins freekick!
36 min...DUFA Shaun Claud Lawson GOAL...DUFA Raphael Reynolds 45 yard freekick from right is over
to left near end line and a DUFA player centers through crowd of players to Lawson who slides up middle
to poke 8 yard shot under goalie Connor Bullen into center of net.
37 min...NTN Doyle 28 yard shot/cross from left is through box and wide right.
38 min...DUFA Cullen low cross from 20 yards on far left has defender slide to clear at 7 yards. DUFA Moncrieffe
follows up with 18 yard shot from left that's wide right of net.
44 min...DUFA Cullen cornerkick from right has defender head away. Cullen recrosses from 22 yards on right
is wide left of players waiting on left end line behind end line for goalkick.
47 min...half ends 8:49pm.
2nd Half:...starts 9:04pm.
halftime sub:...DUFA Paredes replaces Hill.
46 min...DUFA Moncrieffe 25 yard shot from left is high and wide right of net.
47 min...DUFA Lawson 22 yard shot from right spins off defender and goalie catches on right post.
48 min...DUFA Lawson 20 yard cross from right has two defenders shank clearance but finally clear.
49 min...DUFA Lawson cross from right has defender clear.
50 min...DUFA YELLOW card...Lord earns it for kicking ball away after NTN's were awarded freekick
at NTN 35 yards line.
.........DUFA YELLOW card...De Jonge earns it for dissent also on same play.
52 min...NTN YELLOW card...Ngha earns it for knocking over DUFA Reynolds at DUFA 30 yard line.
54 min...DUFA Roccasalva cornerkick from left has defender head away. DUFA Dover blasts partial clearance
from 25 yards over net from middle.
55 min...NTN Ngha backwards flick header from 12 yards is caught by DUFA goalie.
56 min...DUFA Paredes chips 28 yard freekick into box but defender heads it away.
57 min...NTN Afework long run down left and centers but NTN can't win Penalty kick when he slips
up just inside box.
60 min...NTN sub...Kibato replaces Afework.
62 min...NTN Westlaken 50 yard freekick from right has defender on edge of box head away.
64 min...DUFA Lawson cross from 22 yards on right has DUFA De Jonge one-touch 10 yarder on right that
goalie catches.
65 min...DUFA De Jonge run on left and cross has DUFA Moncrieffe shank 12 yard shot. DUFA Roccasalva
30 yard shot of partial clearance is wide left of goal.
67 min...NTN Doyle has DUFA Lord slide from behind and poke ball away in DUFA box to break up run.
68 min...NTN wins Penalty kick on DUFA defender's sliding tackle that flips NTN player over on long
dribbling play just inside left edge of box.
69 min...NTN Niba MacDonald GOAL...MacDonald blasts Penalty kick low to right side beyond
diving goalie Peter Katarsaris.
70 min...NTN sub...Sansonetti replaces Abreo.
.........DUFA sub...Agard replaces Lawson.
.........DUFA sub...Tarazhi replaces Moncrieffe.
72 min...DUFA Roccasalva cornerkick from left has defender head away. The whistle is blown as DUFA De Jonge
hurt in head on that play.
75 min...DUFA player blasts 30 yarder up middle over players and well over net.
76 min...DUFA sub...Michael Maiorano replaces Roccasalva.
77 min...DUFA Paredes 35 yard freekick on right has defender clear from box.
77 min...DUFA Cullen freekick is cleared from box.
77 min...NTN YELLOW card...Hoseini earns it for grabbing ball when it was actually a DUFA throw-in.
79 min...DUFA RED card...Raphael Reynolds earns a direct ejection from referee Marc Henoud near
the center line for complaining about a play being whistled down.
81 min...NTN Doyle 35 yard freekick from right has goalie catch.
81 min...DUFA Agard wins a Penalty kick on a 15 yard shot or cross that hits arm
of NTN Faisal Al-Hamdan near right end line.
81 min...NTN RED card...Jason Akoa earns a direct ejection for arguing that last call.
84 min...DUFA Josh Paredes Penalty kick is low and into right corner of net with diving goalie getting
a hand to it but referee calls it back for infringement with at least one DUFA player stepping
into box. Retake ordered.
85 min...DUFA Josh Paredes GOAL...Paredes shoots Penalty kick under sprawling goalie to right center
of net.
87 min...DUFA goalie runs out to edge of box to catch high bouncer.
88 min...NTN Jayden Doyle GOAL...A DUFA defender makes a poor crossfield pass and Doyle finds
himself alone with the ball on the left side at the 30 yard line. He runs forward and takes 25 yard
shot that the goalie saves at 8 yards but the big rebound bounces back to Doyle and he shoots
an 18 yarder over the goalie into the center of the net.
92 min...DUFA Aldo Maiorano lofts 25 yarder between players up middle but just wide right of post.
93 min...DUFA YELLOW card...Cullen earns it for complaining about DUFA Lord being called for hand ball
at NTN 40 yard line.
94 min...game ends 9:53pm.
Final Score:.....Durham United FA..........2..........North Toronto Nitros........3.....
Attendance was about 50 on this cool night with a strong wind from the east. DUFA took advantage in the first half with the wind at their back and dominated in possession. NTN scored on their one good chance in the half. I doubted that one goal would be enough for DUFA with them having to play against the wind for the second half but the game was quite even during that time. The game was threatened in delays with the game crew down to one ball as many of the spare ones had been blasted out of bounds into the trees and swamp surrounding the park and the floodlights only lit up the field not the surroundings.
This was a strange game with a lot more than weather conditions playing a part. Referee Marc Henoud gave out seven Yellow cards that I counted (four to DUFA) plus one Red card and one Penalty kick to each team. Both Red cards were for players dissent but not even the same players involved in the play but a teammate! This was true of some of the Yellows too. Henoud let the DUFA bench know early that he wasn't going to put up with their constant complaining. They were upset that what they thought every call was going NTN's way.
Best non-scoring chances of the game were at 19 minutes when NTN Jayden Doyle took a 35 yard freekick up the middle that the goalie dove right to block near the post and defenders were able to clear. 29 minutes had DUFA Trevor Hill take a long throw-in from the right and a DUFA player at 12 yards on the right was able to pop a header across the box but the goalie caught it. 64 minutes had DUFA Shaun Claud Lawson cross from 22 yards on the right and DUFA Kashif De Jonge one-touched a 10 yard shot on the right that the goalie caught. 92 minutes had DUFA Aldo Maiorano loft a 25 yarder between players up the middle but just wide right of the post.
NTN beat Woodbridge Strikers 2-0 in an away game on Wednesday night. Captain Niba MacDonald had both goals. Counting through that linescore, NTN had nine starters in that game start in tonight's game on just two days rest. Jayden Doyle was NOT one of them. Their leading scorer Kilian Elkinson with 15 goals was in neither game. With Doyle's two goals and MacDonald's one goal tonight, they move into a tie for second leading team scorer with 7 goals each.
This was the final game of the season for both teams.
DUFA finish with a record of 11 wins, 8 losses, 3 ties for 36 points. They are stuck in fourth place out of the eight teams in the Eastern Conference.
NTN finish with a record of 14 wins, 5 losses, 3 ties for 45 points. They are currently in second place but could be passed by Woodbridge on Sunday who have 44 points with one game to play. Nitros have the best record of the 'first year' League 1 Ontario teams although FC London in the West with 41 points have two home games to go and could finish with a better record and more important to them, win the West.
Rocket Robin
Durham United FA starters
North Toronto Nitros starters
NTN Felix Ngha (7) and Lucas Afework (43) take opening kickoff.
DUFA Shaun Claud Lawson (9) runs downfield.
NTN players set up freekick.
NTN goalie Connor Bullen gets ready to clear backpass.
DUFA Jordan Dover (15) and Kashiff De Jonge (10) take second ahlf kickoff.
DUFA Josh Paredes (18) sends freekick into box.
NTN Niba MacDonald (10) charges up for Penalty kick.
DUFA players defend freekick.
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