Result and details from the Friday September 16, 2016 League 1 Ontario game between Durham United FA and Kingston Clippers played at Kinsmen Park in Pickering at 8:00pm.
Durham United FA (all black uniforms, yellow numbers)
....................0 Peter Katarsaris
6 Raphael Reynolds...15 Jordan Dover...16 Aldo Maiorano...12 Bruce Cullen
9 Shaun Claud Lawson...18 Josh Parades...8 Taylor Lord (cpt)...17 Joseph Roccasalve
..............10 Kashiff De Jonge...7 Christian Moncrieffe
Subs:...1 Eugene Alves (gk)...11 Michael Maiorano...14 Shaq Agard...5 Jermaine Burrell
...4 Trevor Hill
team officials:...head coach Sanford Carabin...therapist Dr Alex Hakins
...other team officials Desmond Warner and Felix Direnzo
Kingston Clippers (yellow socks and shirts, blue shorts and numbers, white shoulders)
.....................12 Dustin Kemp
11 Takuma Cottle...18 Jeff Borges...8 Andrew Whiteman...4 Nolan Kerr-Dini...5 Eric Koskins
...........13 Brevin Mackay...6 Joey Pineo...7 Joel Zeit
...............3 Taylor Nelson...9 Grant Cole
Subs:...10 Enrique Domingo...15 Gianluca Buldo...14 Brandon Gillespie...16 Scott Thompson
...2 Aaron Lyons...19 Chris Eveleigh
team officials:...Chris Eveleigh
Game officials:...referee Hassane Rifai...referee's assistants Kuizan Wekees and Melissa Snedden
...fourth officials Armando Pereira...(teal shirts, black shorts and socks)
1st Half:...game starts 8:02pm...DUFA defends west end on this mild night.
1 min...DUFA Cullen cornerkick from right has defender head ball away. A DUFA player follow up on recross
with a 12 yard shot from the left over net.
3 min...DUFA Dover runs up right and low cross from 15 yards is cleared from box.
5 min...KC Nelson 18 yard shot is well over net.
10 min...DUFA player low cornerkick from left is cleared from the box.
11 min...DUFA Moncrieffe freekick from 28 yards on left drops in to 6 yard box but defender clears it away.
15 min...DUFA player cornerkick from left is over players in box. DUFA Moncrieffe cross from 22 yards on far
right is through box and out left side.
16 min...DUFA Moncrieffe midair kick from 15 yards on right is wide right of net.
16 min...DUFA Jordan Dover GOAL...DUFA Raphael Reynolds chips long pass from 55 yards up middle and
charging Dover at 18 yards on right shoots over flying goalie Dustin Kemp at 8 yards into center of net.
19 min...DUFA Moncrieffe low 25 yard kick from left is wide left of post.
20 min...DUFA Cullen run on left and 12 yard shot has goalie on left post palm ball over net.
21 min...DUFA Cullen cornerkick from right has defender head away.
27 min...DUFA Dover rush up left and low cross wins cornerkick on deflection.
28 min...DUFA Cullen cornerkick from right has defender concede cornerkick on left.
29 min...DUFA Cullen cornerkick from left wins another cornerkick on left.
30 min...DUFA Cullen cornerkick from left has goalie swat ball away oto right. DUFA Moncrieffe 15 yard
low shot from right has goalie smother.
31 min...DUFA Cullen 28 yard freekick from left after DUFA Moncrieffe fakes kick is into left outside
webbing of net.
34 min...DUFA Lawson pass forward to DUFA Dover and 18 yard shot from right deflects wide left for cornerkick.
35 min...DUFA De Jonge heads cornerkick from left has ball fall at 10 yards on right and defender clear.
41 min...KC Zelt cuts in from left and rolls 22 yard shot from left wide left of net.
42 min...KC Zelt cornerkick from right has defender head out left side of box.
44 min...KC Zelt is injured at center line but play carries on with DUFA players' shots stopped on edge of box.
45 min...half ends 8:47pm.
2nd Half:...starts 9:04pm.
49 min...KC goalie crashes with DUFA De Jonge but clears ball.
50 min...KC Mackay gets ball in box but can't get away shot when three defenders surround him.
51 min...DUFA Cullen cross from 20 yards on left is caught by goalie.
51 min...DUFA Paredes cross from 25 yards on far right has DUFA De Jonge head 10 yarder off up for part
of crossbar but a flag was up for offside.
54 min...DUFA Dover is tapped pass at 30 yards in middle and he blasts 28 yarder just over bar.
55 min...KC sub...Lyons replaces Mackay.
55 min...DUFA De Jonge rolls 12 yarder from left into right corner of net but offside flag was up.
58 min...KC goalie runs out to 30 yards to break up DUFA De Jonge high chip to DUFA Roccasalva.
59 min...KC goalie slides forward to smother ball at 15 yards ahead of DUFA Moncrieffe.
60 min...KC Nelson 25 yard shot up middle deflects for goalie to catch.
61 min...DUFA Paredes wins cornerkick on left when can't he get around defender.
62 min...DUFA Roccasalva cornerkick from left is over players in box.
63 min...DUFA Kashiff De Jonge GOAL...DUFA Taylor Lord chips from 60 yards in middle over to De Jonge
at 35 yards on left and he chips 30 yarder over goalie into right side of net.
63 min...KC sub...Domingo replaces Cole.
64 min...KC Lyons chips 18 yarder from far right on end line over box and ball bounces out for goalkick.
65 min...DUFA Cullen 15 yard shot on left end line wins cornerkick.
66 min...DUFA Roccasalva cornerkick from left is over players in box.
66 min...DUFA Roccasalva short pass recieved on left and he shoots 25 yarder over net.
67 min...DUFA sub...Hill replaces Cullen.
.........KC sub...Gillespie replaces Nelson.
69 min...DUFA Roccasalva rush from left is into center and cuts 15 yard shot up middle that goalie saves.
72 min...KC sub...Thompson replaces Whiteman.
73 min...DUFA Moncrieffe receives shot centering pass from left and low 15 yard shot up middle
is stopped by diving goalie.
75 min...DUFA sub...Burrell replaces De Jonge.
.........DUFA sub...Agard replaces Roccasalva while a KC player is injured in the KC box.
76 min...DUFA Lawson rush down right and low cross has regtreating defender shoot ball over own net.
76 min...DUFA Paredes blasts 22 yarder up middle just wide left of post.
77 min...KC sub...Buldo replaces Cottle.
78 min...DUFA Shaun Claud Lawson GOAL...DUFA Josh Paredes crosses from 70 yard line on left over
to streaking Lawson on right at 30 yards and he cuts towards middle on run and rolls 20 yarder under
goalie into middle of net.
79 min...KC Zelt 22 yard shot down middle is caught by goalie on left side of goal.
81 min...DUFA sub...Michael Maiorano replaces Moncrieffe.
82 min...DUFA Michael Maiorano cross from 20 yards near right end line is caught by goalie.
83 min...DUFA Paredes low 28 yard freekick from right hits left in two man wall and pops
up for gaolie to catch.
85 min...DUFA Burrell on right cuts towards middle and 30 yard shot is over net.
86 min...KC Lyons cross from 28 yards on right has KC Koskins twist 8 yard header wide left of post.
87 min...DUFA Michael Maiorano cross from 25 yards on far left has ball deflected wide left
for goalkick.
87 min...DUFA Lawson receives pass at 40 yards on right and runs down wing and he crosses from 22 yards into box and
DUFA Burrell on left post twists 7 yard header wide left.
87 min...KC Zelt 25 yard shot up middle is between players and wide left of net.
88 min...KC Pineo 22 yard shot from right is low and smothered by goalie on right post.
90 min...DUFA Shaq Agard GOAL...Kingston goalie makes a poor clearance to a defender and Agard finds
himself alone at 12 yards on left and his low shot is into right corner of the net.
91 min...game ends 9:50pm.
Final Score:....Durham United FA........4........Kingston Clippers.........0......
Attendance was about 50 on this mild night but cool enough to keep most of the mosquitoes away.
This was certainly a turnaround for DUFA since I saw them last Friday at their other 'home' stadium in Oshawa. That game they lost 4-0 to second place Woodbridge Strikers. I can think of two major reasons for the change. They kept eleven men on the field so did not have to play after a Red card call for handball in their box at 27 minutes. They also had their injured captain Taylor Lord back to start and play the full 90 minutes (last Friday he only played the last 20 minutes). He commanded the defence and midfield.
DUFA had also played a midweek game on Wednesday night on the road against FC London that ended in a 2-2 tie. Seven of tonight's starters also started in that game just 48 hours earlier.
Peter Katarsaris earned the shutout for DUFA without having a lot to do. The defensive line of Raphael Reynolds, Jordan Dover, Bruce Cullen, and Aldo Maiorano broke up most of the Clippers final passes preventing shots on net.
DUFA were able to send long crosses and passes forward or across the field. Most noticeable to me were the efforts by Bruce Cullen and Jordan Dover.
Referee Hassane Rifai gave out no cards in a game that was generally wide open with rush after rush each way. DUFA were most upset by the number of times they were called offside in the second half. I was standing about 40 yards downfield and couldn't see if they had a gripe. Kashiff De Jonge swung his fist in the air when he scored after having so many rushes called back.
Best non-scoring chances were at 30 minutes when DUFA Bruce Cullen sent in a cornerkick from the left and the goalie swatted the ball away to the right and DUFA Christian Moncrieffe took a low 15 yard shot from the right that the goalie smothered. 73 minutes had Mondcrieffe receive a short centering pass from the left and his low 15 yard shot up the middle was stopped by the diving goalie. 86 minutes had KC Aaron Lyons cross from 28 yards on the right and KC Eric Koskins twisted an 8 yard header wide left of the post.
The win improves Durham's record to 11 wins, 6 losses, 3 ties for 36 points and third place in the Eastern Conference. Vaughan Azzurri is in first place at 46 points with DUFA only having two games to play.
The loss drops Kingston's record to 7 wins, 8 losses, 5 ties for 26 points and fourth place in the East.
Rocket Robin
Durham United FA starters
Kingston Clippers starters
DUFA Kashiff De Jonge (10) and Christian Moncrieffe (7) take opening kickoff.
action in Clippers box
DUFA Shaun Claud Lawson (9) gets ready to chip ball into box.
midfield action
Clippers player takes long freekick.
Clippers Taylor Nelson (3) and Grant Cole (9) take second half kickoff.
more midfield action
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