Result and details of the League 1 Ontario game between North Mississauga Panthers and Vaughan Azzurri played Saturday June 25, 2016 at The Hershey Centre Field #1 in Mississauga at 8:00pm.
North Mississauga Panthers (red socks and shirts, black shorts and numbers, white shoulders)
......................1 Daniel Gosciniak
19 Tristan Gayle...5 Kevin Dhillon...23 Austin Bryan...13 Antoine Paul
7 Jose Da Sousa...12 Tom Wrobel...9 Bradley Fenton...3 Jordan Montoya
..............10 Jose Melo...16 Lee-Victor Massanda
Subs:...86 Vithuran Karvenathasan (gk)...18 Shawn Brown...8 Matthew Monteiro...17 Johnson Amoo...
14 Samuel Paul...20 Adam Boofo...-- Tremayne Julien
team officials:...head coach Rick Titus...team official Chris Hogg
Vaughan Azzurri (white socks and shirts, red shorts, black numbers)
.......................1 Andrew D'Souza
25 Devante Walker...14 Nyal Higgins...5 Matthew Arnone...23 Malcolm Loukides
10 Brandon Mills...24 Joseph Di Chiara...15 Matthew Stinson...11 Jason Mills
..............7 Massimo Mirabelli...9 Jarek Whiteman
Subs:...12 Shyon Gaeeni...3 Joseph Amato...6 Jonathan Lao...8 Kyle Crichton...16 Daniel Cramarossa
...23 Malcolm Loukides...17 Darren Gertiesingh
team officials:...head coach Carmen Isacco...team officials Patrice Gheisar, Wayne Mills, and Tony De Palma
...therapist Esteban Clavijo
Game officials:...referee Jose Sanchez-Larios...referee's assistants Alex Theemistocleus and Collin Tittle
...fourth official Sean Simpson...(all black uniforms)
1st Half:...game starts 8:03pm...NMP defends north end on this mild evening with the sun setting
in the north west.
2 min...VA goalie catches flicked header from 15 yards.
4 min...VA Di Chiara blasts 22 yarder through crowd of players and ball deflects off player and goalie catches.
5 min...NMP Jordan Montoya GOAL...NMP Lee-Victor Massanda cross from 22 yards after
run to right end line is sent through 5 yard box and Montoya jabs foot to kick
in from 3 yards in to right side of net past goalie Andrew D'Souza.
8 min...NMP Massanda taps ball to right and NMP Melo crosses 22 yarder that drifts behind net.
14 min...VA Di Chiara short pass forward and VA Stinson takes 20 yard shot up middle that deflects for cornerkick.
15 min...VA Brandon Mills cornerkick from left has charging VA Arnone while even with right post head 8 yarder
just high and wide right.
16 min...NMP Massanda is tapped pass forward up right and crosses over players in box and out for throw-in.
19 min...VA Walker long chip to VA Brandon Mills on right whose cross through 6 yard box is unplayed.
21 min...NMP Melo intercepts pass at 35 yards in middle and passes right to NMP Fenton who crosses well wide of net.
23 min...VA Jarek Whiteman GOAL...VA Brandon Mills recovers partially cleared
VA cornerkick and crosses from 30 yards on right. Two VA players including
Jason Mills appear to deflect ball in 6 yard box and ball falls to Whiteman
at 8 yards on left and he blasts low shot that sprawling goalie Daniel Gosciniak
gets piece of but ball rolls under him into right side of net.
26 min...VA Stinson blasts partially cleared freekick up middle between players that is stopped.
26 min...NMP Melo taps pass to NMP Fenton who has 25 yard shot blocked by sliding defender.
27 min...NMP YELLOW card...someone earns it for calling for a hand ball on the last play.
28 min...VA Amato sprawls to stop cross at 12 yards and deflects ball back to goalie.
28 min...VA YELLOW card...Jason Mills earns it for kicking ball out of bounds or swearing.
30 min...VA Stinson 28 yard freekick from left is into crowd of players in middle and cleared.
31 min...NMP Montoya 30 yard low shot up middle is smothered by goalie.
32 min...NMP Montoya dekes between two defenders at 20 yards but pushes ball too far forward and goalie smothers.
33 min...NMP Melo taps ball left and forward for NMP Fenton and his 15 yard shot has flying goalie push ball wide left
of post.
33 min...NMP player's cornerkick from left is cleared.
34 min...VA Mirabelli cornerkick from right has goalie leap and punch ball forward in crowd of players and VA Stinson
blasts 22 yarder well high and left of net.
36 min...NMP Fenton 45 yard freekck from right has goalie palm ball over net.
37 min...NMP player's cornerkick from left has ball partially cleared but VA Loukides clears from 2 yard line of
another NMP player's shot.
37 min...VA Jason Mills 8 yard shot from elft when ball deflected over and defender saves on left post.
42 min...NMP Massanda low cross from 18 yards on right has NMP Melo partially whiff 15 yard screen shot abnd goalie
catches easy shot.
44 min...VA Mirabelli 30 yard freekick from right has goalie kneels to punch ball away at 3 yards on right post. VA players
work in ball again but called offside.
46 min...NMP Da Sousa 45 yard freekick from right has defender stop on edge of box.
46 min...game ends 8:49pm.
2nd Half:...starts 9:06pm. The temperature is cooling with the sun now below the horizon.
halftime sub:...MNP Brown replaces Da Sousa.
47 min...NMP Melo cornerkick from right has defender head away to start fast breakout.
48 min...VA Jason Mills rolls pass from 50 yards in middle forward and right and VA Brandon Mills chips goalie from 35 yards
on right and ball is just over bar.
49 min...VA Stinson 35 yard freekick from right has VA Arnone twist header in box.
50 min...VA YELLOW card...Stinson earns it for swearing at a throw-in call not going VA's way.
51 min...NMP Paul long throw-in from left has NMP player head ball wide left from 5 yards on left.
52 min...VA RED card...Matt Stinson picks up his second Yellow card in two minutes
for a chest to chest stand off with an NMP player after Stinson had been
pushed down.
.........VA YELLOW card...Mirabelli earns if for complaining about that last call.
.........NMP YELLOW card...Bryan (or Melo) earns it for his part in the pushing play.
53 min...NMP Melo rushes down left and rolls cross through 6 yard box and NMP Massanda charges forward
and shoots 5 yarder over net.
58 min...NMP Montoya cornerkick from left has defender head ball away in crowd of players.
61 min...NMP Dhillon taps pass to NMP Melo who shoots low 25 yarder up middle that goalie dives right to smother.
62 min...NMP Melo 28 yard freekick from left has play called offside on an NMP player who charged and headed
over net.
63 min...VA sub...Crichton replaces Mirabelli.
65 min...VA Whiteman 30 yard freekick up middle deflects off a body in the player wall and deflects for throw-in.
67 min...NMP Melo 40 yard freekick from left has NMP player near right end line pop header behind net.
68 min...NMP Brown shoots 22 yarder over net from right.
69 min...NMP Melo 28 yard freekick from far right has play whistled down in box.
70 min...NMP sub...Amoo replaces Montoya.
.........NMP sub...Paul replaces Gayle.
71 min...NMP Melo cross from 25 yards on left drifts behind end line on right.
74 min...VA Whiteman 50 yard freekick from right has defenders clear on left side of box.
75 min...NMP Massanda has 25 yard ball up middle cleared off defender for goalie to smother at 12 yards.
76 min...NMP YELLOW card...Fenton earns it for shirt grab at VA 50 yard line.
77 min...NMP Melo 30 yard freekick has defender head ball away on left post.
79 min...NMP Fenton cornerkick from right is low and cleared and his recross is also cleared.
83 min...NMP Paul long throw-in from left has defenders clear on left post.
85 min...NMP Melo 30 yard freekick up middle has goalie dive to catch on left side of net.
88 min...NMP sub...Boofo replaces Massanda.
89 min...VA Walker cross from 25 yards on far right has defneder clear out left side of box.
90 min...NMP goalie charges out to 22 yard line on right to clear before VA Whiteman can get to ball on right.
91 min...VA Whiteman is injured at NMP 50 yard line.
.........VA sub...Cramarossa replaces Whiteman.
92 min...NMP Melo 25 yard shot is blocked by defender and screams for handball are heard.
95 min...NMP Melo shoots 25 yarder between players up middle and over bar.
95 min...game ends 9:56pm.
Final Score:....North Mississauga Panthers.....1....Vaughan Azzurri.......1...
Attendance was about 80 on this hot evening. These were different fans than the crowd that was here for the 4:00pm game between Sigma FC and Kingston Clippers. Even the field was the same although Panthers are scheduled by the league to play on Hershey Centre Field #2 (which is just north of the Field #1). Playing on #1 saved the players the length of the other field to be closer to the dressing rooms.
League stats show that referee Jose Sanchez-Larios gave out four Yellows (two to Panthers) and one Red card although I counted more than that from my notes, one more Yellow to each team. (league listing of subs are missing a few players used so I may be right about the cards too). Both teams didn't like the officiating complaining about the many offside calls and cards given out. Things got quieter after 58 minutes when it appeared that Vaughan coach Carmine Isacco got tossed for complaining. I could just hear "tell me why, tell me why" and then the complaints stopped soon after that so that must have been the time when he was sent off. Panthers head coach Rick Titus was also not shy about complaining about calls that didn't go his way.
Matt Stinson drew his first Yellow at 50 minutes for swearing at a throw-in call going against Vaughan right in front of the stands. 52 minutes he was bumped over and he stood chest to chest with the player who knocked him over. Neither player did more than stare the other down. The play had carried on but the referee turned around to see those two and gave them both Yellows but it was of course Stinson's second. I thought it was #23 Austin Bryan who drew the card for NMP because it was given out delayed after the referee dealt with Stinson although it could have been Jose Melo who is shorter and he is one of the players listed in the league records. I also saw VA Massimo Mirabelli given a card for complaining at the Stinson call.
The game changed after Vaughan went down a man. The best I could see them doing was holding on for a tie to keep their undefeated record going.
Massimo Mirabelli appears to have joined Vaughan at the beginning of this month. Last year he played for Toronto FC II and before that he had two seasons with FC Edmonton of NASL in 2013 and 2014. I've been watching him since CSL days with SC Toronto/Portugal in 2010 and 2011. Carmen Isacco was his coach in 2011. Jarek Whiteman played for that team too.
Joey Melo took most of the freekicks and cornerkicks for NMP. He played sparingly for Toronto FC at the MLS level in their first three seasons 2007-2009). Matt Stinson was with TFC from 2011 to 2013.
Two of the Mills brothers played for Vaughan tonight...Brandon and Jason. Jahsua is playing for PDL league K-W United this season as I was reminded by Jarek Whiteman when I asked him to piece together the assists. Actually Whiteman is a former K-W United player.
Best non-scoring chances were at 15 minutes when VA Brandon Mills cornerkick from the left had a charging VA Matthew Arnone head an 8 yarder from even with the right post just high and wide right. 37 minutes had an NMP player's cornerkick from the left and the ball partially cleared and VA Malcolm Loukides cleared an NMP player's shot on the 2 yard line. 53 minutes had NMP Jose Melo rush down the left and rolled a cross through the 6 yard box and NMP Lee-Victor Massanda charged forward and shot a 5 yarder over the net.
The result improves Panthers record to 2 wins, 3 ties, 4 losses for 10 points and fifth place in the West Division.
Vaughan Azzurri remains undefeated but with a record of 6 wins, 0 losses, 3 ties for 21 points for third place in the East Division. (other weekend results are known as I'm actually writing this report on Monday evening).
Rocket Robin
North Mississauga Panthers starters
Vaughan Azzurri starters
VA Massimo Mirabelli (7) and Jason Mills (11) take first half kickoff.
VA Malcolm Loukides (23) dribbles ball.
VA Matt Stinson (15) takes freekick.
NMP goalie Daniel Gosciniak punches away cornerkick.
NMP Lee-Victor Massanda (16) and Jose Melo (10) take second half kickoff.
NMP Jose Melo (10) takes freekick.
VA Jarek Whiteman (9) takes freekick up middle.
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