Result and details of the League 1 Ontario game between Woodbridge Strikers and Durham United FA played Sunday June 12, 2016 at Vaughan Grove in Woodbridge at 7:30pm.
Woodbridge Strikers (all blue, white numbers)
...............23 Matt George
8 Gabriel Sosa...15 Cameron Brooks...6 Andrew Derayeh (cpt)...3 Kyle Watson
7 Nicholas Chiarot...16 Dylan Carreiro...9 Oscar Cordon...21 Joshua Portillo
..........10 Christian Cavallini...20 Tristan Watson
Subs:...1 Danial Khames (gk)...2 Adam Appugliesi...11 Stephen Almeida...14 Mikateko Zwane
...18 Emmanuel Issac...19 Damion Scott...22 Michael Bilak
team officials:...team head coach Peter Pinizzotto...assistant coach Damion Scott...manager John Scarleto
equipment manager Eric Mokri...therapist Justin Miranda
Durham United FA (all white, red numbers)
................00 Ben Cowman
15 Jordan Dover...16 Mike Direnzo...13 Le Shaun Young...12 Bruce Cullen
..........17 Joseph Roccasalva...5 Eddie Lay...6 Matt Stowell
........2 Stefan Lamanna...7 Christian Moncrieffe...10 Kashiff De Jonge (cpt)
Subs:...1 Eugene Alves (gk)...4 Trevor Hill...9 Le Rohne Young...14 Justin Gordon
...3 Taejon Mikle-Ryan...11 Mark Tarazhi
team officials:...head coach Sanford Carabin...therapist Dr Alex Hakins...team officials Felix Dirienzo,
Desmond Warner, and Corrado Raccasalva
Game Officials:...referee Ben Jacobs...referee's assistants Nikita Amirkhanian and Filip Dujic
...fourth official Kim Lee...(yellow shirts, black shorts and socks)
1st Half:...game starts 7:03pm...WS defend south end on this mild night with strong a strong gusty
win from the north west. It's mostly cloudy but the sun is in the north west.
2 min...DUFA Stefan Lamanna GOAL...DUFA Matt Stowell cornerkick from right
has WS Joshua Portillo head ball away on left side. Lamanna at 15 yards
turns on left and rolls low shot that banks off inside of right post.
5 min...DUFA Stowell cornerkick from right has goalie punch ball away on left post.
6 min...DUFA Moncrieffe 35 yard freekick down middle has leaping goalie palm ball over bar.
6 min...DUFA player's cornerkick from left has defender clear in box.
7 min...DUFA player kicks 15 yarder from left just wide right of net.
8 min...WS Cordon dekes defender on left end line and cross from 15 yards is caught
by goalie on left post behind end line though so it's a goalkick.
8 min...DUFA Stefan Lamanna GOAL...Lamanna beats WS Cameron Brooks on rush
down right side and low cross from 15 yards is stopped by WS Gabriel Sosa.
Lamanna gets rebound and his low shot up middle from 12 yards is into
right side of net beyond diving goalie Matt George.
12 min...WS Carreiro 35 yard freekick from right is headed away by defender at 15 yards.
WS Derayeh shot up middle from 20 yards is rolled to goalie.
13 min...WS Portillo taps pass over to WS Tristan Watson and his 15 yard shot up middle
is rolled to goalie.
15 min...WS Carreiro cornerkick from right is low and cleared by defenders.
17 min...DUFA Dover receives high cross from 20 yards on left and one-touch
8 yard shot
19 min...DUFA goalie slides to 10 yards on right to beat WS Watson to through ball pass.
22 min...WS Portillo cornerkick from right has defender clar in box.
24 min...WS goalie beats DUFA Lamanna to ball at 15 yards that DUFA De Jonge had fed
too far forward from 30 yards.
25 min...WS Brooks 22 yard shot from left has goalie bat deown just under bar and clear.
28 min...DUFA player cross from 25 yards on far left has WS Kyle Watson head away on right
at 5 yards.
30 min...WS Cavallini can't win Penalty kick call when knocked over just inside DUFA box.
31 min...DUFA De Jonge rush on right and shot from 18 yards tips off defender and over
goalie but bounces wide right.
32 min...DUFA Stowell cornerkick from right has goalie punch ball up and wind carries
it over back fence.
32 min...DUFA Lay cornerkick from left is low and defender clears.
36 min...DUFA Lay blasts 35 yarder up middle that flying goalie palms over net.
37 min...DUFA Stowell cornerkick from left has defender clear on left side.
38 min...WS Tristan Watson in middle at 25 yards passes right for WS Cordon and
he shoots low 12 yarder that sliding goalie saves at 7 yards.
39 min...DUFA Cullen 20 yard freekick from right bends to left post and flying
goalie makes save.
40 min...DUFA Moncrieffe rolls 15 yarder from left that diving goalie saves at 5 yards
in middle.
43 min...DUFA De Jonge stops on run and rolls 20 yarder between defenders which
goalie picks up.
45 min...WS Kyle Watson high cross from 20 yards on far left is well over box and
out right side.
46 min...half ends 7:49pm.
2nd Half:...starts 8:05pm.
47 min...WS Portillo 35 yard freekick from right has DUFA Stowell on right post
head ball wide right for cornerkick.
48 min...WQS Portillo cornerkick from right has charging WS Brooks get foot
to jab at 7 yards on right and ball deflects off defender over net.
49 min...WS Portillo cornerkick from left has defender head ball behind net.
49 min...WS Portillo cornerkick from left over leaping players and bounce wide
right for goalkick.
52 min...DUFA De Jonge 15 yard shot from far right is blocked by defender.
54 min...WS Portillo cornerkick from right has defender partially clear on header
and WS Cordon has 20 yard shot blocked on edge of box.
56 min...DUFA YELLOW card...Cullen earns it for tackle from behind on WS Carreiro
at WS 45 yard line.
57 min...WS Sosa is injured at WS 30 yard line away from play and needs trainer
to help limp from field.
59 min...WS sub...Almeida replaces injured Sosa before play resumes.
60 min...WS Joshua Portillo is tripped on left side of box on run into DUFA box
by DUFA Mike Direnzo.
........DUFA YELLOW card...Direnzo earns it for his part in the play. Referee Ben Jacobs
also awards a Penalty kick to WS.
61 min...WS Joshua Portillo blasts Penalty kick to left and flying
goalie Ben Cowman bats down ball near left post then gets up to grab
it on left side of box.
A pushing match of players on both teams occurs.
...WS RED card...WS Oscar Cordon is sent off for head butt on goalie Cowman
splitting his lip. (details provided to me by a DUFA parent). I'm not
sure if the head butt started the pushing match or was during
this incident.
63 min...WS Portillo cornerkick from left is whistled down in box.
67 min...DUFA Dover 30 yard freekick down middle hits right post. DUFA player
cross from 12 yards on far right has defender clear on right post.
68 min...DUFA 12 cornerkick from left is cleared by defenders for fast break out.
70 min...WS sub...Issac replaces Chiarot.
71 min...DUFA Lay cornerkick from right has DUFA Stowell at 15 yards in middle head
ball towards gaol and defender clears at 2 yards.
72 min...DUFA De Jonge on left chips pass too far forward for charging DUFA Stowell
and goalie picks up.
72 min...WS goalie punts and DUFA goalie catches on leap at right post.
73 min...WS Issac chips 25 yard shot on left after recovering ball high wide
right of net.
74 min...WS Issac gets pass from right but can't get away shot at 15 yards.
75 min...WS Carreiro blasts 20 yarder from right that deflects just over bar
for cornerkick.
75 min...WS Portillo cornerkick from left is partially cleared and WS Carreiro blasts
25 yarder down middle well over net.
76 min...DUFA sub...Tarazhi replaces Stowell.
.........DUFA sub...Le Rohne Young replaces De Jonge.
77 min...DUFA Moncrieffe blasts 28 yard shot down middle well over net.
78 min...WS sub...Zwayne replaces Carreiro.
78 min...WS player's cornerkick from left has defender on left get foot to at
5 yards. WS Brooks heads 12 yarder over net.
80 min...WS Almeia blasts 35 yard follow up shot down right that goalie catches.
81 min...DUFA Cullen 35 yard freekick from left has defender clear at 10 yards
on right.
83 min...DUFA Le Rohne Young rolls ball on left back to DUFA Tarazhi who shoots 30 yarder
well wide right of net.
84 min...WS sub...Scott replaces Cavallini.
87 min...WS Watson passes forward from 20 yards on far right but over end line.
88 min...WS Scott 30 yard freekick from right is caught in wind and wide left for cornerkick.
89 min...DUFA sub...Hill replaces Lamanna.
91 min...DUFA Cullen 40 yard cross from left bounces through box and is cleared on right.
92 min...DUFA goalie leaps at 10 yards in crowd of players to catch cross from 25 yards on right.
93 min...WS Issac receeives pass from left and his 22 yard shot is wide left of net.
96 min...WS Scott 33 yard freekick from right has ball knocked down but defender clears.
98 min...WS Issac cornerkick from left bounces through box and WS Almeida cross from right
is cleared on left side.
98 min...ends 8:58pm.
Final Score:...Woodbridge Strikers....0.....Durham United FA......2...
Attendance was about 50 on this cool evening with an extremely strong and gusty wind from the north west.
I have been making comments on the crossfield winds for the three PDL matches I'd seen in the last week at the KIA Training Centre in Downsview but those were neutral because they were west winds and the field aligned north-south. Tonight the winds favoured the team defending the north end. Strikers played against the wind in the first half and were mostly pinned in their own end until the first two goals. Second half had DUFA facing the wind although they gained a huge advantage by playing up a man from just after the one hour mark. Kicks and clearances sent high from the south just died in the wind. A WS goalie's punt in the second half bounced into the DUFA box that the goalie had to jump to catch.
Key moment of the match was the saved Penalty kick and then the Red card which hampered Woodbridge threats even with the winds at their back.
Referee Ben Jacobs gave out gave out only two Yellow cards (both to DUFA players) plus the Red to WS and the minute before awarded WS a Penalty kick.
Ben Cowman earned the shutout for DUFA. Matt George was sharp for WS after the surprise conceding of two goals (even after tonight's game they have only given up five goals in seven games).
Best non-scoring chances were at 6 minutes when DUFA Christian Moncrieffe took a 35 yard freekick down the middle aided by the wind and the goalie palmed over the bar. 17 minutes had DUFA Jordan Dover received a high cross from 20 yards on the left and his one-touch 8 yard shot up the middle had the goalie make a great foot save. 38 minutes had WS Tristan Watson in the middle at 25 yards pass right for WS Oscar Cordon and he shot a low 12 yarder that the sliding goalie saved at 7 yards. The next minute had DUFA Bruce Cullen take a 20 yard freekick from the right that bent to the left post and the flying goalie made the save. A minute later DUFA Moncrieffe rolled a 15 yarder from the left that the diving goalie saved at 5 yards in the center of the box. 67 minutes had DUFA Dover take a 30 yard freekick down the middle into the wind that hit the right post.
I arrived just after the League 1 Ontario Women's game ended. Woodbridge beat Darby FC 14-0 with Jessica Lisi scoring seven goals! Today's WS linescore listed two players from the now defunct W-League Toronto Lady Lynx and one other W-League player. I just don't have time to go to follow the women's games with me taking in TFC, TFC II, TFC PDL, and Men's League 1 Ontario games. Last Saturday I was in the Press box at BMO Field for the Canadian National women against Brazil. I will try to attend the women's L1O Cup final on Saturday July 30th.
Woodbridge suffers their first loss of the year and their record falls to 5 wins, 1 loss, 1 tie for 16 points.
Durham United's record climbs to an identical 5 wins, 1 loss, 1 tie for 16 points although they are listed after Woodbridge in second place because of Woodbridge's better goal differential.
Vaughan Azzurri won last night 4-3 against Master's FA Saints and took over first place with a 5 win, 0 loss, 2 tie record for 17 points. These three teams have opened up a gap in the standings and are currently the only contenders to finish first and play the winner of the West for the championship at the end of the season.
The Eastern teams are the only contenders left for the League 1 Ontario Cup because in first round action, the eight Eastern teams beat the eight Western teams to advance to the quarterfinals.
Rocket Robin
Woodbridge Strikers starters
Durham United FA starters
DUFA Christian Moncrieffe (7) and Kashiff De Jonge (10) take opening kickoff.
WS goalie Matt George gets ready to start rush.
DUFA Eddie Lay (5) leads rush upfield.
DUFA Bruce Cullen (12) bends in freekick.
WS Tristan Watson (20) and Christian Cavallini (10) take second half kickoff.
WS player's cornerkick is crossed into DUFA box.
WS Dylan Carreiro (16) takes Penalty kick which DUFA goalie Ben Cowman saves.
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