Here is an example of a question using both the WIPEOUT and COUNTDOWN method
of clue-giving in the NTN trivia games:

Estimated time given below:

I've given a question who's answer is not so obvious to show you an example
of the thinking process involved of coming up with an answer.

Which is the only artist not born in 1958?

1.  Madonna
2.  & (former Prince)
3.  Morrissey
4.  Rocket Robin
5.  Michael Jackson

Estimated times: question displayed at 0 seconds.
		 possible answers displayed at 5 seconds.
		 point meter starts declining at the 10 second mark.

Think you know the answer?  Well even if you don't you may risk a guess as
I'll show you later how guessing something on first impression often pays
off.  The questions and answers are not tricks so you don't have to be 
worried about such things as "did Prince start his life again when he
changed his name?", "Is so and so been 'born again' Christian", "how can
Rocket Robin consider himself an artist?" 


Which is the only artist not born in 1958?
					Blast the Rocket
1.  Madonna				1. Madonna	
2.  & (former Prince)			2. & (former Prince) 
3.  Morrissey				3. Morrissey 
					4. Rocket Robin
5.  Michael Jackson			5. Michael Jackson

So there's the way both games tell you the answer is not Number 4.  A wrong
answer disappears with WIPEOUT and usually something punny and negative in
the regular game tips you off in the regular game.  So it's not Rocket
Robin who was born in 1958 (December 22nd of that year and thanks for any
e-mail birthday greetings).  If you've guessed that answer though change
it to something else!

Estimated time:  first clue given at 15 second mark 
		 score continues to drop from about 800 to 650.


Which is the only artist not born in 1958?
					Blast the Rocket
					Madonna Gonna
					1. Madonna
2.  & (former Prince)			2. & (former Prince)
3.  Morrissey				3. Morrissey
					4. Rocket Robin
5.  Michael Jackson			5. Michael Jackson

Now we can see it's not Number 1 either.  By now in the regular game I may
be counting away on my fingers of what answer it's not if I have no idea.
(Madonna was born August 16, 1958)

Estimated time:  second clue at 20 second mark
		 score continues to decline from about 650 to 400	


Which is the only artist not born in 1958?
					Blast the Rocket
					Madonna Gonna
					Go for Mor-e

					1. Madonna
					2. & (former Prince)
3.  Morrissey				3. Morrissey
					4. Rocket Robin
5.  Michael Jackson			5. Michael Jackson

Now here is where the two games differ.  The WIPEOUT game has eliminated
answer Number 2 but still has two possibilities.  The COUNTDOWN game usually
gives away the answer in this third (and last clue).  Notice how it's
something positive.  Press in your answer #3 now.  Occasionally the regular
game will give you another 'negative' clue so you'll only have the 50-50
chance of getting the answer right.  If you're wrong you lose 250 points and
it is possible to finish the game with a score less than zero.   

Estimated time:  3rd clue at 25 second mark  
		 score continues to decline from 300 to 10 (the lowest score
		 I've seen by anyone who's got a question right).
		 30 seconds--too late to answer.

The answer is now displayed.  All answers disappear except the right one. 
There is often a bit of trivia/explanation as to why it's correct.

Oh if you'd like to know:
& (former Prince) was born June 7th, 1958
Michael Jackson was born August 29th, 1958
Morrissey was born May 22nd, 1959 so that is the answer.  
(Stephen Morrissey is a successful solo artist now and was in the English 
band "The Smiths" in the mid 1980's).
And Yes, I like all the artists in the clues.


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