NTN Encore Question of April 12th, 2008.
Played at The Frog & Firkin in North York, Ontario.


  1. Christopher Cross
  2. Andy Gibb
  3. Dan Hill
  4. Leo Sayer
  5. Stephen Bishop

Tonight I'm playing with two boards as ROCKET and LITBOX, with Rob COSMO and Sean METLCA/NOHABS (he doesn't like the Montreal Canadiens hockey team). Our friend Phil was away in Puerto Rico this week.

My game so far had gone like this:
TuneUp...ROCKET...4500/5000...1st/14...I'm in an 11 way tie for 11st place.
...........LITBOX...4500/5000...1st/14...I go 0 for 1 in guessing.
OnBeat...ROCKET...12500/14000...1st/14...our five boards win round going 8 right and 1 wrong.
..........LITBOX...12500/14000...1st/14...we open up a big gap on the other players...I thought this round was harder
than the last few months.
JukeBox...ROCKET...18453/20000...4th/12...METLCA wins round.
...........LITBOX...18460/20000...3rd/12...we got outvoted for a Barbra Streisand question but Rob got it early.
Triviaoke...ROCKET...24774/28000...5th/12...METLCA wins round.
...........LITBOX...24784/28000...4th/12...we take one -250 score thanks to me giving the Huey Lewis song wrong.  
About five players near the bottom have stopped playing.  



Now the Encore answers come up. Middle-of-the-Road artists? If it's song and artist I should do quite well on this.

Encore Question:...Who has his guitar destroyed by John Belushi in National Lampoon's Animal House?





I don't know this. I saw the movie once 30 years ago although it comes on more than once a year. I've also seen this clip on some television history/biography show. I say we all read this question wrong as I don't catch on that the singer is actually in the movie. I even remember the song he sings "I gave my love a cherry that had no stone...". I can only rule out Christopher Cross because I think his career didn't start until the 1980s. I say that I'm going with Stephen Bishop but can't find a good reason to back it up.

Correct Answer:....5. Stephen Bishop

[NTN Extra Fact:...Stephen's credit in the movie is "Charming Guy With Guitar".]

Yep if I'd read the question better, I could have had a good chance of tossing out all the bearded (Dan Hill), non-American accented guys (Leo Sayer/Andy Gibb).

This was pretty obscure I thought but in my Whitburn music book, under his two line biography, they mention this fact. Within the last few weeks, I was marking what songs I owned and must have at least subliminally read this as I own one Stephen Bishop song on a 1970s compilation album.

I'm right and jump to 1st place as LITBOX at 37176. The bar is listed as 12th out of 12 bars in North America with a 22422 average although was about a 12000 point gap between 11th place and us. I finish 57th in North America. I earn 3000+ points for making this week's standard which I missed seeing at the start of the game. I finish 2nd out of 4 places on this newly reset Hall of Fame board.
(ntn.com drops our bar to 94th out of 1909 with a 22422 average)

Here's how the rest of the bar did: 
Player	preEncore	Final	Rank	ntn.com rank
METLCA	25236	x	12618	2984	2023
NOHABS	25201	x	12601	2992	2025
COSMO	25112	x	12556	3013	2038
LITBOX	24784		37176	  57	 127
ROCKET	24774		37161	  58	 128
SPATFUL	16064	x	 8032	5117	3468
SQUIER	15570	x	 7785	5296	3582
MADDOG	14456	x	 7228	5562	3865
EB	13399	x	 6699	5815	4143
RIO	12071	x	 6035	6133	4504
GORDO	10059	x	 5030	6613	5077
DYZLXC	 5997	x	 2999	7585	6262
(ntn.com listed 9128 players)

Other games:...I start the evening with ROCKET at 3,929,500+ and LITBOX at 1,631,000 Players Plus points.
7:30pm...Triviaoke...ROCKET...12668/15000...3rd/8...1000+ points...I'm 41st in North America.
.........LITBOX...12684/15000...2nd/8...1000+ points...I'm 40th in NA...the bar is 7th in North America with a 12605 average....COSMO wins.
8:00pm...JukeBox...ROCKET...12304/14000...4th/11...1000+ points...I'm 14th in North America...the bar is 4th in NA with a 12486 average....METLCA wins and is 7th on the Top 20 with 12857.
...........LITBOX...12334/14000...2md/8...1000+ points...I'm 13th in North America.
8:30pm...Tuned In Trivia...ROCKET...9988/15000...5th/14...1000+ points...I'm 232nd in NA...bar is 12th in NA with a 10755 average.
...........LITBOX...9961/15000...6th/14...1000+ points...I'm 236th in NA...COSMO wins with 12304 and is 15th on the Top 20.
I need a lot of help in this game.
9:00pm...Playback (see above).
10:00pm...RetroTV Countdown...ROCKET...13340/15000...2nd/7...1000+ points...I'm 121st in NA.
.............LITBOX...13330/15000...3rd/7...1000+ points...I'm 123rd in NA...bar is 40th.
10:30pm...Countdown...ROCKET...10437/15000...3rd/6...1000+ points...I'm 314th in NA.
..........LITBOX...10460/15000...2nd/6...1000+ points...I'm 312nd in NA...the bar is 99th as we now only have four working boards...COSMO wins.
I haven't played a regular Countdown game for a very long time. I stayed an extra half hour as Bill MADDOG was pleased that I'd taken digital pictures of his band last week and sent a beer over for me.

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