June 9, 2024...post game press conference after the York United FC vs Vancouver FC CPL game
(recorded by Rocket Robin)

All the audio from the post game press conference after the CPL (regular season game) game
of Sunday June 9, 2024 between York United FC and Vancouver FC played at York Lions Stadium at 6:00pm.

If I ask the question it's in bold lettering.

Vancouver FC head coach Afshin Ghotbi

post game audio of Afshin Ghotbi and Alejandro Diaz (16 minutes, 48 seconds)

Questions for Afshin Ghotbi:
Your thoughts on the performances in this match?
What does it say about the group to be able to come from behind?
What was it like preparing for the week when knowing you were facing a new coach?
Did you exchange any words after the game when you met their coach?
How much better is it this season being in the middle of the pack than last year when you were looking up at all the other teams?
How much are you looking forward to playing your next game in Kelowna (neutral city) game?
Do you think there are any other cities that the CPL should play these types of games?
What can you say about the fighting spirit of the team coming back and then playing all out at the end?
How do you feel about the progress of the team so far this season?

Vancouver FC forward Alejandro Diaz

post game questions for Alejandro Diaz (start at 12 minutes, 10 seconds)
What does it say about your team being able to come back in games?
Compared to this point last year how much better to you feel this year game by game?
Talk about the build up to your goal.
Is there any update on what will happen to you after June?

York United FC midfielder Elijah Adekugbe

post game audio of Elijah Adekugbe and Benjamin Mora (30 minutes 05 seconds)

Questions for Elijah Adekugbe:
What did you think about the performance overall?
Were you impressed tactically and how the group was able to take on their assignments?
How do you see your role in the coach's ideas?
What do you feel about the coach after one week?
How do you encourage the young players in training that they would one day get their chance?
What do you like and what can you bring in your new playing position?
What differences do you see in the play of Vancouver FC this season?

York United FC head coach Benjamin Mora

Questions for Benjamin Mora start at 7 minutes, 45 seconds
What did you make of the result and the performance of your team?
How have you managed the injuries and absences for international duty in deciding the line-up?
How important was it for you to make a good impression for the fans?
What are your thoughts on Juan Cordova?
How could you have correctly predicted the result of the Canada v Mexico match?
two questions in Spanish at around the 16 minute mark.
Do you think you made history? (answered in English)
more Spanish questions
Is this the new York United that the fans can expect?
What are your thoughts on the league in Year 6?
Do you feel content with today's result?

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