June 15, 2024...League1 Ontario...Alliance United vs North Toronto game report (by Rocket Robin)
Result and details of the Saturday June 15, 2024 League1 Ontario Men's Premier Division game between Alliance United
and North Toronto played at Centennial College in Scarborough at 6:15pm.
Alliance United (all orange uniforms, black numbers)
......................1 Lucas Birnstingl
2 Shon Siegelwachs...5 Matthew Monteiro...3 Toby Richardson...7 Nirun Sivananthan (cpt)
18 Pablo Hempelmann-Perez...15 Jadon Lashley...8 Mehdi Essoussi...21 Andrea Schifano
...........9 Atchu Sivananthan...14 Kingsley Belele
Subs:...30 Liam Janicki-Zeballos (gk)...6 Paul Ekwueme...10 Dusasn Kovacevic...11 Michael Osorio
...12 Antonio Tripodi...13 Farrell Francis...17 Volodymyr Kharyton...19 Quinton Chung
team officials:...head coach Ilya Orlov...asssistant coach Cormac Rea...physiotherapist Goran Stakic
other official Goran Stakic
North Toronto (white socks and shirts, black shorts and numbers, green shoulders and sleeves)
........................1 Alex Lin
........5 Matthew Monteiro...2 Conrad Czarnecki...3 Sam Rankin
14 Kai Martin...20 Anthony Aromatario...13 Tadija Vukas (cpt)...22 Akiem Villous
........7 Luca Di Marco...10 Fadi Salback...16 Nico Barros
Subs:...12 Kevon Grant (gk)...4 Brandon Barone...6 Luca Porfiris...8 Matthew Perovic
...9 Zakaria Abdi...11 Jaylen Drummond...15 Jamie Benayon-Abraham...17 Ricardo Gonzalez
team officials:...head coach Marko Milanovic...assistant coaches Filip Prostran and Kevin Lemonnier
...team manager Daniela Barillari...goalkeeper coach Anthony Greco...athletic trainer Marwah Hashimi
Game officials:...referee Ryan Schwenger..referee's assistants Lucas Capicotto and Liam Herbert
...fourth official Nava Rajabi...(teal socks andd shirts, black shorts)
First half:...game starts 6:15pm...Alliance defends south end.
2 min...NT Barros long crossfield pass is over to NT Di Marco who shoots low 25 yarder from right wide left of net.
4 min...AU Atchu Sivananthan cross from right near cornerflag has ball headed down but cleared.
4 min...AU Siegelwachs low cross from right endline has defender clear on near post.
7 min...AU Essoussi 33 yard freekick from slight right bounces between players for goalie to catch.
8 min...AU sub...Ekwueme replaces Lashley who came over to lie on the massage table.
10 min...AU goalie charges to top right of box to beat charging NT player to ball.
11 min...AU player wins cornerkick on right on shot deflected over net.
11 min...AU Essoussi cornerkick from right has AU Richardson on left charge and ball deflects off him at 5 yards
and goalie catches on left post.
13 min...AU Siegelwachs receives long throw-in on right sideline and 30 yard chip bends behind net.
16 min...AU goalie catches chip from 25 yards on right.
19 min...AU Schifano is tapped back pass and his 25 yaarder from left is wide right of goal.
20 min...NT Villous runs down left and 20 yard shot deflects off defender beside him and goalie catches just wide left of post.
22 min...AU Belele cross from right end line deflects back off him for goalkick.
23 min...NT Villous is injured at NT 30 yard line and needs trainer. Both teams take water breaks.
24 min...NT sub...Drummond replaces injured Villous.
25 min...AU Schifano holds off defender to get away 20 yard cross from left. AU Belele twists 8 yard header off right post
then goalie picks up on bounce.
27 min...AU Essoussi 35 yard freekick from right is between charging players and bounces wide left.
27 min...AU player's 33 yard shot from far left bounces through box and out for throw-in.
*36 min...Alliance (NT Own goal) GOAL...AU Kingsley Belele passes forward for charging Atchu Sivananthan
at 12 yards up middle on run and his low 8 yard shot has goalie Alex Lin save at 2 yards but the ball pops up
and hits retreating defender Conrad Czarnecki at 5 yards and ball deflects into center of net over goalie now
on his knees.
37 min...NT Drummond 20 yard shot from left deflects high off defender and another defender clears off right end line
to prevent cornerkick call.
42 min...NT Drummond can't win Penalty kick when checked off run for crossed ball on left side of box.
45 min...AU Atchu Sivananthan 30 yard freekick bends wide left overhead of charging AU player and out for goalkick.
47 min...NT Aromatario 45 yard freekick from right is low and nearest AU player clears.
48 min...half ends 7:03pm.
Halftime:...no warm ups are done by either team's subs.
Second Half:...starts 7:18pm...The sun is still bright in the north west.
45 min...AU Belele turns and fires low 25 yarder that diving goalie pushes wide left of post for cornerkick.
46 min...AU Essoussi cornerkick from mlelft has leaping AU Nirun Sivananthan head forward off left post. AU Richardson
rolls rebound shot from 7 yards on left end line that goalie smothers.
48 min...AU Atchu Sivananthan short centering pass on left for AU Nirun Sivananthan who blasts 12 yarder off left post.
48 min...AU Nirun Sivananthan rush down left rolls centering pass that AU Athchu Sivananthan receives and rolls to right
for AU Hempelmann-Perez who rolls 15 yarder from right that goalie smothers.
49 min...AU goalie catches 25 yarder from left.
50 min...AU Hempelmann-Perez 25 yarder from far right is caught by goalie.
53 min...NT Salback 30 yard freekick in middle deflects off player in wall and goalie catches leaning to the left.
54 min...AU Essoussi cornerkick from right is high over playaers in box and AU Monteiro heads 10 yarder that goalie catches.
55 min...AU sub...Kovacevic replaces Belele.
............AU sub...Osorio replaces Hempelmann-Perez.
56 min...AU player's low 28 yard shot from right bounces to goalie on near post.
57 min...NT player's 30 yard shot is between players and caught by goalie.
58 min...AU Atchu Sivananthan deflected 30 yard shot up middle is stopped by goalie on right post.
61 min...NT sub...Gonzalez replaces Rankin.
63 min...NT Gonzalez chips cross from right into box that defender on left heads away.
65 min...NT goalie beats through-ball pass to pick up.
65 min...AU Shifano low 25 yarder up middle deflects off defender and rebound deflects out for goalkick.
67 min...NT Salback 35 yard freekick from slight left is shot well over net.
69 min...AU Nirun Sivananthan rescues ball on left endline sending high cross into box. AU Kovacevic ducks and heads 8 yarder
up middle that goalie catches in center of box.
69 min...NT player 25 yard shot from far left is well wide right.
72 min...NT sub...Benayon-Abraham replaces Di Marco.
..................NT sub...Abdi replaces Barros.
Also AU Ekwueme was injured at AU 25 yard line and needs trainer.
75 min...AU Essoussi long 70 yard run up middle taps ball to right for AU Atchu Sivananathan who shoots 18 yarder high
and left of net.
77 min...NT Czarnecki makes big play to stop and then clear low cross from right into box.
78 min...AU sub...Francis replaces Ekwueme.
80 min...AU Nirun Sivananthan receives low pass on left along 15 yard line and shoots roller just wide right of post.
81 min...NT player chips from 25 yards over head of NT Salback at 8 yards in center of box.
81 min...NT sub...Perovic replaces Chandler.
84 min...NT Drummond cornerkick from left has defender on left head through box. NT Benayon-Abraham chips 18 yarder that
goalie catches under bar.
86 min...NT Aromatario cornerkick from left has goalie make overhead catch at 1 yard.
87 min...AU Kovacevic receives tap over and 15 yard roller up middle smothered by goalie.
87 min...NT Martin chips 28 yarder from slight right. NT Abdi can't quite turn 7 yard shot as he charges from left across box
and ball deflects for cornerkick.
87 min...AU Schifanao was injured on play and needs trainer.
88 min...AU sub...Richardson replaces Schifano.
89 min...NT Aromatario cornerkick from right has leaping defender in box head away.
91 min...NT Martin chips ball forward on right is just too far for NT Perovic and out for goalkick.
94 min...NT player takes long throw-in from left that bounces to AU goalie.
95 min...NT Martin long throw-in from right has ball deflect off NT player in crowd of players forward and wide right.
97 min...game ends 8:10pm.
Final Score:...Final Score:....Alliance United.......1......North Toronto........0........
Attendance started off slow but by halftime had climbed to about 60 people. That is about their average crowd so it was hard to say if the mild weather with a bright sun in the north west attracted fans to make up for the fans who were 'soccered out' by three Euro games on since this morning along with a CPL York United game (in Ottawa) on this afternoon or an MLS Toronto FC home game that was just kicking off downtown as this game was into its second half. The TFC game was also on TSN which happens maybe once every three weeks. North Toronto didn't get much of a warm up...actually both teams got less time than usual. There was a L1O Women's Premier Division game that had ended just when I got here. FC London had just beaten Alliance United women 1-0. Both men's teams were waiting outside the building to go inside. It turns out there are only two dressing rooms (OK plus whatever broom closet the game officials change in) in the school which is OK for the college when Centennial Colts play 'the visitors' for a game of any sport but it wasn't built for multi functions. No use renovating as Alliance is scheduled to move to Mount Joy in Markham by next season. North Toronto started their outfield player warm up (goalie's were out early) at 5:45pm with the game kicking off at 6:15pm. I didn't write anything for North Toronto until 20 minutes as Alliance dominated the beginning of the game. Lucas Birnstingl earned the shutout for Alliance with a few routine saves. This game wasn't exactly wide open but was 'clean' and referee Ryan Schwenger gave out no cards to either team. A game that was a pleasure to watch with both teams showing good disipline. There were a few injuries for muscle strains and tackles. Alliance almost put it away at the start of the second half with what I counted as four good chances in the first three minutes of the half. That included Nirun Sivananthan (Atchu's older brother) heading a cornerkick forward off the left post at 46 minutes than two minutes later receiving a centering pass and blasting a 12 yard shot off the same post. AU Kingsley Belele had twisted an 8 yard header off the right post at 25 minutes. There were four games today...one was already over and one started a few minutes before ours ended so by the time I got home to write this I have this weekend's results except there are two games tomorrow to finish Round 9. Round 10 will be played Wednesday and Thursday so next weekend will count as Round 11. That happens one other time later in the season so all the teams play their 22 game schedule by the first weekend in September. The win improves Alliance's record to 5 wins, 1 loss, 1 tie for 16 points which puts them all alone in third place for now. In the game that had ended before ours started Vaughan Azzurri was upset by lowly Sigma FC who earned their first win of the season in league play. A win would have put Vaughan in a tie with Burlington (who Vaughan had beaten last weekend) for first place but instead they are now in a tie for fourth but ranked fifth because they've played one more game than Woodbridge. Scrosoppi FC had the chance to take over first but they were held to a 0-0 tie in Hamilton against (still last place) Hamilton United. North Toronto's record drops to 1 win, 3 ties, 4 losses for 6 points and they are in a three way tie for eighth but are ranked ninth as Guelph has played one fewer game. *Thanks to Atchu Sivantnathan for confirming with me after the game who sent him the pass and that it was a shot that pinballed in. Also the L1O match commissioner (?) for sorting out who deflected the ball in. Maybe if I wore sunglasses I could have seen it better. Rocket Robin
Alliance United starters
North Toronto starters
Alliance Atchu Sivananthan (9) takes opening kickoff.
A high ball in the Alliance end.
North Toronto Fadi Salback (10) keeps ball in play on sideline.
A North Toronto defender dribbles in own end.
Action in the North Toronto end.
North Toronto Jaylen Drummond (11) takes throw-in.
North Toronto Fadi Salback (10) takes second half kickoff.
A North Toronto freekick from the left.
Alliance Mehdi Essoussi (8) dribbles up middle.
midfield action
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