June 8, 2024...League1 Ontario...North Toronto vs Blue Devils FC game report (by Rocket Robin)

Result and details of the Saturday June 8, 2024 League1 Ontario Men's Premier Division game between North Toronto and Blue Devils FC played at Downsview Park in North York at 7:30pm.

I will be posting pictures, logos, and more of a play-by-play about this game in the days to come.

70 min...North Toronto Fadi Salback GOAL...NT Sam Rankin sens pass forward from 28 yards on right that finds Salback who holds off shot until defender overruns him and shoots 10 yard roller from slight right past sliding goalie Taylor Miskolczi into left side of net.

72 min...Blue Devils Marcus Riviere GOAL...BD James Lima runs from own side of center down right and passes forward to BD Jacob Ball who continues to almost the right end line and sends low centering pass between defender and goalie Kevon Grant for charging Riviere to kick in 6 yarder up the middle into open net.

Final Score:.....North Toronto........1.......Blue Devils FC........1.........

Attendance was about 80 fans most of them who'd brought an umbrella for themselves or to share. The weather forecast had promised rain for tonight for a few days now. A light rain started just as the players warmed up and there were only a few five minutes breaks from it being continuous. A 5 v 5 mini game between North Toronto U-8s (?) was held at halftime. This field turf (looked brand new) held up well and there was less slipping and sliding by players then I've seen at other fields in similar weather conditions.

Both defences held up well limiting the number of shots to mostly those that were poor percentage from outside the box and often off target. Blue Devils almost won it in second half added time with Samar Hamade blasting a low shot from 25 yards between players up the middle that NT goalie Kevon Grant dove to the left post to push wide.

Referee Armando Pereira gave out four Yellow cards this game (three to North Toronto).

Rather unpopular in second half injury time he gave one to both NT goal scorer Fadi Salback and BD captain Brandon Duarte for arguing a call near the center line but he said it was for the persistence complaining throughout the game. Yes that was true! The other two to NT were for professional fouls for holding back BD players breaking out just before they crossed the center line.

One more benefit to the new L1 Canada app is I can see how many Yellow cards an individual player has the entire season. Last week Duarte received a Yellow card in the game I attended when Blue Devils were in the GTA to play Vaughan Azzurri (he also scored both their goals). So two weeks in a row, what should I think? Yeah that was for complaining about a non-call too (The reason for cards is not given but I saw it myself...by now the game footage is in their YouTube archives). Not so bad as tonight's card was only his third of the season.

Tonight's game and the other game that started 30 minutes before ours between strugglers ProStars FC hosting Sigma FC were the only games completed tonight with eight teams playing tomorrow.

The result improves North Toronto's record to 1 win, 3 ties, 3 losses for 6 points and that's a three tie for seventh place although Guelph is ranked higher because they've played one less game.

Blue Devils improve to 2 wins, 3 ties, 2 losses for 9 points and keeps them in sixth place. Burlington SC can look down at the rest with a 6-0-0 record—18 points already and they've haven't played their Week 7 game yet! 'More ties please' they must be thinking as their chasers are falling further behind in the new no-playoff format.

North Toronto head coach Marko Milanovic (walking across the picture)

My interview with North Toronto head coach Marko Milanovic (6 minutes, 44 seconds)
Your thoughts on tonight's game?
What do you think about there being no longer any playoffs this season?
How about the other extreme about there being relegation?
How happy are you that the league has brought back their League Cup and you're doing so well in it?
What are your chances of winning that?
Would you put your strategy into winning that if it meant sacrificing a middle-of-the-pack League game?
Do you still have a lot of players from TMU (university)?
Do you still coach there?
Will some players have to leave before the L1O season ends for school?

Rocket Robin
X @RocketRobin01

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