June 2, 2024...League1 Ontario Vaughan Azzurii vs Blue Devils FC game report (by Rocket Robin)

Result and details of the Sunday June 2, 2024 League1 Ontario Men's Premier Division game between Vaughan Azzurri and Blue Devils FC played at North Maple Regional Park in Vaughan at 8:00pm.

I will be posting pictures, logos, and more of a play-by-play about this game in the next few days.

29 min...BD Jacob Ball draws Penalty kick when bumped over at 15 yards. Referee Melvin Christopher then gives VA head coach Carm Isacco a Yellow card for complaining about the call. Hey two games in a row as he earned one last week against Woodbridge!

30 min...Blue Devils Brandon Duarte GOAL...Duarte blasts low Penalty kick to left corner hitting the back post as goalie Alessio Carbone slides in middle.

43 min...Vaughan Reshaun Walkes GOAL...VA Jeronimo Sabbatasso Sola sends low cross from left has Walkes slide to poke 5 yard shot from right over diving goalie Mike Markac.

Halftime sub:...Blue Devils make four substitutions including switching goalie Taylor Miskolczi in for Mike Markac.

46 min...Blue Devils Brandon Duarte GOAL...A BD player rolls a shot from 12 yards on left that the goalie slides to save on the near post.. Duarte steps around defender VA Matthew Medeiros who stood still expecting goalie would crawl to smother the rebound. Duarte pokes 5 yard rebound into right side of the net.

53 min...Vaughan Mateo Caride GOAL...A VA player's shot spins off a defender at 15 yards and pops high. When ball drops, Caride shoots 15 yard roller into right corner of net past goalie Taylor Miskolczi.

Final Score:...Vaughan Azzurri.......2.......Blue Devils FC........2...........

Attendance started off slow but was about 150 by halftime. For the first time this year I saw the canopies had been installed. What that is is an umbrella-looking structure, one at each end of the stands that could provide shelter for some if it rained. It wasn't up at the start of the season as I'd heard was the fear they'd be damaged in the wind. My weather app said there'd be 8% chance of rain and it was true it didn't rain until sometime in the night.

This game will be remembered for it's Yellow card totals with ten given out (four to Vaughan). That included coaching staff with Vaughan receiving two and one to Blue Devils. Lots of whistles too which not just one fan said was killing the momentum of the game with so many restarts.

A very exciting game with a few extra cheers of 'goal' which turned out to be premature as the ball had hit the outside webbing of the net. The game ended in a flurry as Blue Devils had all the pressure in the four minutes of added time including three chances in like 10 seconds which was too fast for me to write down but the Vaughan goalie smothered a rebound to end it. Brandon Duarte was injured at the end too but was behind the Vaughan end line so the game was quickly restarted after the trainer was signalled on.

The result improves Vaughan's record to 3 wins, 3 ties, 0 losses for 12 points. That puts them in a tie for third place with Woodbridge but Vaughan is ranked fourth because of a lesser goal differential.

Blue Devils improve to 2 wins, 2 ties, 2 losses for 8 points. They are sixth of the twelve teams in this division.

Maybe I should stop saying 'their record improves' when a team plays to a tie because both teams lose ground this weeked to front running Burlington who improve to a 6-0-0 record and pull away to a five point lead over second place Scrosoppi FC who have one game in hand because this evening's home game against Alliance United was postponed. Could it be Milton had the storm that we didn't have?

A few hours earlier here in Women's Premier Division play, Vaughan beat Blue Devils 1-0. Makes a long day for the DJ and some club officials including Carm Isacco who also coaches Vaughan's womens team.

Should Vaughan thank Oakville for something? Well roundabout maybe as Golf Canada had most of the North Maple Regional Park reserved for a potential golf course in the event that Glen Abbey GC was sold for condominium development but the Oakville city council decided to protect their land. Golf Canada decided they were no longer interested in NMRP and now Vaughan Soccer Club has the ability to expand from their two fields and move their clubhouse to this site. Also sports like cricket and pickle ball are building on this land and the locals hiking along the path beside our field will throw a stray ball back.

My post game interview with Blue Devils FC head coach Duncan Wilde (5 minutes, 30 seconds)
Your thoughts on tonight's game?
How important is it to get off to a good start and the problems of losing points?
How good is your youth team system of always being able to find replacements?
How important is the revised L1O League Cup competition?
Do you have a favourite of the Manchester teams?
Is Blue Devils somewhat of a salute to the Red Devils?
What role does club president Steven Caldwell (TSN broadcaster) play in your team?

Rocket Robin
X @RocketRobin01

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